Chicken pecking chicken


May 26, 2013
I have about 20 chickens and I have 2 chickens being pecked to bleeding. Is Blood Stop Powder okay to use? What else is available? Do I need to separate the injured until they are healed?

I'm sorry I am not familiar with that product. Hopefully someone else can tell you. I know blu kote is good for situations like this one, as it masks the blood and stops the other chickens pecking the wounds. Separating the 2 injured ones is a good idea, but do you know why this started? You will have to reintroduce them at some point. Can you tell us a bit more about your situation? Are they new to the flock? How much space has your chickens got? What is your set-up like?
I have a 80 sq. ft. Coop and a 100 sq. ft. Run. The chickens have been together since we bought them. I am fixing to get rid of about 10 chickens so that may alleviate the problem. I am keeping the most injured one in a dog kennel in the run so she is not totally separated from the group. Blood Stop powder is a ferrous sulfate used on livestock here in the US to stop the bleeding on injuries. I've used it before on cattle but don't know how chickens will react to it.
I do not know whether there is any problem using the Blood Stop powder on birds or not. The injured one will have to be kept separate until she heals. Blu Kote is helpful in disguising the injury and hiding any blood so the others are not so drawn to keep pecking the area.

I think you are very wise to downsize your flock, that's a pretty small area for 20 birds and is probably at least a contributing factor to your pecking problem, especially if they are in there full time with no free ranging or pasture available.

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