Chicken Photos Thread

Fluffy Pants is super duper adorable!
Whatever she lacks as far as brains go is probably made up for in personality. And Bruce and Clark look so happy in their nesting box!

Here's a funny one I snapped the other day: Bali the Black Sumatra decided to photobomb Enya, our Welsummer/Barnevelder mix......

Fluffy Pants is super duper adorable!
Whatever she lacks as far as brains go is probably made up for in personality. And Bruce and Clark look so happy in their nesting box!

Here's a funny one I snapped the other day: Bali the Black Sumatra decided to photobomb Enya, our Welsummer/Barnevelder mix......

That is a great picture

My coop was hard mud so I spent 2 hours raking it and I through down some grass seed so hopefully some grass would grow. I left to put the rake away and when I came back ALL of the seed on the ground was gone and my little rooster was standing in the bucket of seed eating mouthfuls of it!
I took him out and through more down then left to get the rake to cover it up. Once again, upon my return, ALL of the seed was gone off the ground. So I put MORE seed down and quickly covered it with dirt using the rake. My stupid self forgot to take into account that chickens scratch for their food
. So they went crazy scratching the rest of the day
. Their loss
, they don't get grass. Not my problem anymore. At least I can say that I tried.

(I just used all of the mad smillys)
Great thread bubbles!

Here's my girl, Peaches, throughout fpgrowing up, and now. She has just started laying eggs and is my favorite chicken! She has so much personality in her, and curiosity and braveness. She even chases my chihuahua and bison fries when they want to play with her! She actually walks towards them stares them down and then chases them off! Shes a Salmon Favorelle, and I'm getting another one in February from chickens for backyards hatchery where I got her.



(Can't get anymore uploaded)
This is a great thread & so many wonderful pictures of fantastic birds!

Here's my small contribution: My 10 month old Silver Sebright/Golden Laced Polish mixes, Memnoch & Mercury. They were the result of my first time incubating eggs.


Mercury was named after Freddie Mercury because she is super vocal all the time. Memnoch was named after the devil character in Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles mythology because he looked very devilish as a chick. :)
This is a great thread & so many wonderful pictures of fantastic birds!

Here's my small contribution: My 10 month old Silver Sebright/Golden Laced Polish mixes, Memnoch & Mercury. They were the result of my first time incubating eggs.


Mercury was named after Freddie Mercury because she is super vocal all the time. Memnoch was named after the devil character in Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles mythology because he looked very devilish as a chick. :)

Very pretty! :clap
@chickens102403 , those are chickens for you! While my mom was planting a garden in their enclosure last year, some of the girls followed behind her, digging up the seeds she had JUST put in the ground. Even more amusing was when they tried to rip the seed packets out of her grasp, flinging various vegetable seeds everywhere! It goes without saying that we put up some chicken wire to block off the garden area until the plants were large enough to hold their own.
That whole arrangement didn't work perfectly, since my Khaki Campbells, Mallards, and even a stray Cayuga kept slipping their round bodies through holes that we weren't able to seal up.

@CherriesBrood , Peaches is so stinking cute! I have a good friend on here who owns a Faverolles, and she's just about the most awesome-looking bird I've ever seen. We seriously have to get one.

@uzisuzuki , Memnoch and Mercury are great looking birds! You've got to love those crests, and there's no possible way to go wrong with Sebrights. Such an incredibly beautiful breed.

Very pretty!

@uzisuzuki , Memnoch and Mercury are great looking birds! You've got to love those crests, and there's no possible way to go wrong with Sebrights. Such an incredibly beautiful breed.

Thanks very much! I ended up with chickens on accident because my little Sebright guy mysteriously showed up one day and decided to stay. I'm pretty partial to the breed now.
Their little mohawks crack me up! I love that they raise and lower them like some kind of feathered dinosaurs.
, Peaches is so stinking cute! I have a good friend on here who owns a Faverolles, and she's just about the most awesome-looking bird I've ever seen. We seriously have to get one. :)


Thank you. Yes you have to get some, just like I have to get some buttercups! lol. They are the most cutest and funniest breed of chicken I've ever had!
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@chickens102403 , those are chickens for you! While my mom was planting a garden in their enclosure last year, some of the girls followed behind her, digging up the seeds she had JUST put in the ground. Even more amusing was when they tried to rip the seed packets out of her grasp, flinging various vegetable seeds everywhere! It goes without saying that we put up some chicken wire to block off the garden area until the plants were large enough to hold their own.
That whole arrangement didn't work perfectly, since my Khaki Campbells, Mallards, and even a stray Cayuga kept slipping their round bodies through holes that we weren't able to seal up.

That is just what I need... MORE seed stealing chickens! They are all gone today
The only thing that happened in my flock sense my last post was that Bruce's scab came off
! There was already feathers growing underneath it so she already has the root spike things! She is doing SO much better!


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