Chicken Photos Thread

, your birds are stunning!

I get so much joy from seeing your birds, Bubbles (especially Jace, since she's so little and cute :) ). Are they all doing well?


They are all doing good.(Emma is slowing down, but that is to be expected :( )

More pictures...
of the three chickens I hatched from under a broody: (Popper)

My other mix roo, Chena

My BLRW roo:

I no longer have any of these roosters, due to 4 roos and 25 hens being more than a bit off of the recommended ratio!
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It cracks me up that you describe Odysseus as a "poop," @uzisuzuki
! :lau  Never better terminology to describe some roosters. :p  I'm trying to picture a bantam rooster attempting to act intimidating and just doesn't work! :D  The founder of this thread, @Bubbles12345
, described her Sultan rooster's (not a bantam, but a rather small breed of large fowl) attack as having about as much impact as a teddy bear being thrown at her legs. T.Roo didn't exactly jump at me, but instead charged and began to bite my leg for no particular reason. The brat got what was coming to him!

Your birds are lovely! How many do you have? I must say that life won't go on until I have a splash Sumatra, so maybe an order from Cackle for a few blue Sumatras is in my future. :p  Ava' Dara is incredible.


I actually call him "My Little S*** Lord" when he starts getting chippy with me. He wasn't very effective until his Spurs grew out & now my legs are all knicked up (we are going to the vet to learn how to file those down next Wednesday). :) He goes between wanting me to pay him extra attention to a tiny ineffectual rage ball. He cracks me up.

Thank you! I have 14 altogether - 11 chickens & 3 peafowl. Odysseus started it all when he showed up on my grandparents' front porch & no one claimed him. I welcomed something that got me up & walking routinely as I had just started walking again & without surgery boots (car accident) shortly before he adopted me. The peacock adopted me almost a year to the date of my car accident last year. I got him some hens when he didn't wander back to wherever he came from. It's been a roller coaster trying to learn how to take care of them all, but it keeps me busy! :D

Ava'Dara is the best. She was the last hen I got last year & she's a talker! She also came from a flock of all females, so watching her shutdown Odysseus & Memnoch is the best. She's so not into the idea of following some dude around!
Sorry I have not posted in a while. I will some up what has happened in my flock:

I have good news and bad news. Bad news, my modern game bantam passed a few days ago. I think that it was moldy feed, but I am sending her to a lab just in case. It is free in California to have avian tested in a lab. Good news, I finally got those rescue hens that I have been wanting! They get along with the flock great and they are super cute!
After their bath:

They look kind of funky, but they are cute!

I'm not sure what kind of news this is, good or bad. My brain damaged silkie started sitting on six non-fertile eggs. I moved her into a nesting box from the ground. Poor thing. She sits next to them sometimes.


(P.S. My computer is actin weird. Sorry if this is a weird format)

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