Chicken pics

got our first chickens last night. was supposed to have 15 chicks delivered to co-op yesterday but they got delayed 2 weeks. I had found these 9 month old Rhode Island Reds on Craigslist the day before so I called her up and got these instead...i had already taken the afternoon off of work to deal with the chicks and figured I might as well get adults to deal with instead. Got them all settled in to their new coop just before dark last night. I checked on them about an hour before it got light out this morning and 4 of them were huddled in the corner near the temporary food dish i put out and one had flew up to the roost on the edge of the nesting box just above the other 4. They all seemed happy as heck when i brought them some lettuce and egg shells this morning. My chicken nipples did freeze over night so I put an ice cream bucket with water in it by them this morning as well. Hopefully they settle down and we have some eggs in a few days!
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I got the dog and we named her Baily She so cute I love her

got our first chickens last night. was supposed to have 15 chicks delivered to co-op yesterday but they got delayed 2 weeks. I had found these 9 month old Rhode Island Reds on Craigslist the day before so I called her up and got these instead...i had already taken the afternoon off of work to deal with the chicks and figured I might as well get adults to deal with instead. Got them all settled in to their new coop just before dark last night. I checked on them about an hour before it got light out this morning and 4 of them were huddled in the corner near the temporary food dish i put out and one had flew up to the roost on the edge of the nesting box just above the other 4. They all seemed happy as heck when i brought them some lettuce and egg shells this morning. My chicken nipples did freeze over night so I put an ice cream bucket with water in it by them this morning as well. Hopefully they settle down and we have some eggs in a few days!
wow but they look good

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