Chicken PMS??


9 Years
Apr 23, 2010
Our pullets are about 16 weeks now, and I'm noticing some interesting behavior. In particular, Sesame the BSL has been very feisty and VERY loud for the past week or so. Her comb and wattles are getting to be quite red too. She's never been a very friendly chicken, but now will peck me if I put my hand in front of her. Today she did this and I "pecked" her back with my finger, which made her squawk and back right off. Then when I grabbed her to pet her and make nice, she totally submitted to me! Squatted down, put her wings out, and stayed put while I scratched her back. I've been watching them eagerly for the "egg squat" and hadn't seen anyone do it yet, but I'm pretty sure I've seen it now! When I let her go, she sat there for a second and then started complaining loudly - her new trademark sound is "BAAAAAWWKBAAAAAAAWKBAAAAAAWK".
I've heard a number of the other girls making this same sound over the past couple days, and have noticed some attitude changes in them also - the skittish ones are becoming less flighty, and some of the friendlier ones are developing attitudes.
I haven't seen any eggs yet, but I'm guessing this behavior might mean it won't be long? I picked Sesame up and showed her the nest boxes today, she seemed very interested and peered into each one...

Is it common for chickens to be really noisy and feisty as they get close to the point of lay? And if I put Midol in their water will it settle them down?
Yes, they are getting to the laying age. You should be getting eggs any day!

OT, but I don't appreciate the PMS references.

Not all women fit into that little mindset you are discussing.
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One of my pullets laid her first egg a week and a half after her first egg squat. She's laid 2 so far, small and pale, and not in the nestbox, but they taste great. She was VERY anxious a few days before the first egg and would constantly pace back and forth my patio. She's calmed down as of now.
Thanks for the replies, guys.

And ranchhand - sorry if I offended you, I was only joking. Fwiw, I am also a woman who doesn't fit into that "little mindset".

Before any other feathers get ruffled, the "Midol in the water" comment was also a joke.
Ooooh, okay, I get it now! It's a whole different thing coming from another woman!

And yes, you will have some fresh, home grown eggs real soon!

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