chicken poop fertilizer??


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jan 22, 2011
Boerne, Texas
I'm not sure which forum this should be posted in but I was wondering if anyone has a chicken poop fertilizer recipe? Can I just spread it on the garden or does it have to be composted for the best result?
Chicken poop needs to be composted thoroughly (like 6 months or so) before you use it on the garden cuz it's too "hot" for the plants otherwise.
Poultry poo or Chicken s^%$ is one of the "HOTTEST" (or richest in Nitrogen) fertilizers. It really needs to be composted. I use it in my garden with at least 6 months of composting. I turn my chicken poo in with the hay and or straw in my composter over the winter and then use it in the spring. It is usually still hot so I turn it in with the soil a couple of weeks before planting. It has worked for me. I have killed some plants because it was still to "hot" though.
Thanks, good to know. I am guessing that over the course of a year 8 chickens can generate a lot of poop. I'll start composting.

by the way Chick Charm, I noticed your quote....have you ever had cow tongue (sliced thin so you're not looking at taste buds), fried in egg and served on toast? OMG, it's to die for.
Hello Roadstump! I see you're from my neck of the woods!

I compost my chicken poo but I also make compost tea out of it for a quicker fix. I fill up a tow sack about halfway with poo then weigh it down in an old plastic trash can. Fill it up with water and let it sit a couple weeks. Disgusting, but works like magic on my veggies!!
Depends on what you are using it on, too. For my daylilies, I just sprinkle it right around them, they really love it. I also take the cleanings from the baby brooders (shavings and baby chickie poop) and spread it around the daylilies, acts as fertilizer and mulch. My daylilies look like they are on steroids.

For my food garden, I mix chicken poop into the soil where Ill be planting and wait a few weeks, then plant my started plants. Its great stuff, one of the many benefits of having chickies.
I have been using wood chips (fine mulch) in my brooder for the last 2 weeks. Every 4-5 days, I shop-vac the brooder and dump the debris in my compost. I haven't really generated enough from my 4 chicks to use.

I think that I will build a separate compost bin for the hens; once they really start to produce.

My question: Once they hens are large enough to roam my yard, will they poop everywhere or will they have preferred spots??
They poop where ever they are, like horses and cows and goats, etc. But if they are in a large area, it will be spread out and not too much of a thing to worry over.

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