Chicken pooped out Something strange looking

1 Farm Girl

7 Years
6 Years
Feb 8, 2013
Fallbrook, Ca
Does anyone know what my chicken pooped out? She has been sick not eating, laying, tail down for about 5 days, off to her own corner. also had a small cyst above the eye for more than a year. Thinking she may have been impacted but not sure. Her belly was not really large. I cut it in half so you can see better.
I end up putting her down as I did not want her to waste away...poor 'Toasty' girl, I miss her.


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I'm very sorry for your loss. Honestly you did the right thing. It was most likely either caused by salpingitis or internal laying and both are basically terminal and can have very similar symptoms. I'm going to give you a link to an informative video that was just recently posted by speckledhen in regards to exactly this. It starts out with some graphic photos, then is explanation.

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