Chicken Prices....

My local market yes, which is about a quarter mile from my house. Talk about convenient!

So it went like this:

Boneless Skinless Breast $12.00 / pound
Tenders $12.00 / pound
Leg quarters $4.00 / pound
Wings $4.00 / pound

Did 25 chickens and brought back only ONE package of wings!!! SOLD OUT. I'm so pumped and so worth the extra effort. It was a great feeling crossing off the products as we sold out. Also brought whole chickens and cut chickens... both sold out.

Let's just say I had a drink to that... or maybe a few. More info later, I'm so tired cutting up chickens, packing eggs, ect comes at it's price... I'm running on 4 hours of sleep. Time to lay down and watch some tv!
My local market yes, which is about a quarter mile from my house. Talk about convenient!

So it went like this:

Boneless Skinless Breast $12.00 / pound
Tenders $12.00 / pound
Leg quarters $4.00 / pound
Wings $4.00 / pound

Did 25 chickens and brought back only ONE package of wings!!! SOLD OUT. I'm so pumped and so worth the extra effort. It was a great feeling crossing off the products as we sold out. Also brought whole chickens and cut chickens... both sold out.

Let's just say I had a drink to that... or maybe a few. More info later, I'm so tired cutting up chickens, packing eggs, ect comes at it's price... I'm running on 4 hours of sleep. Time to lay down and watch some tv!

That's great! We'd never get those prices around here but I've never had a problem selling all my eggs and have had some request for chickens and turkeys when we have them again.
awesome! I knew it would go
enjoy the well deserved drinks . . .
Good job Jeff! I am rather suprised at your outcome!! It's good to know your able to get such a premium price on your chickens at the market. GOOD JOB. You hard work has paid off!
jeff i used to live and work up there in your area.. and i gotta tell you .. you're my hero lol.. i love seeing how successful you are up there.. so once you come back down from that cloud you're on.. tell us roughly what you sold cut up priced that way... in other words how many pounds of those boneless breasts sold and how many pounds of tenders... whole chickens etc... its all just curiosity and vicarious living on my part... no other reason for wanting to know.. again congratulations
Thanks for the encouragement, I've been in my area for about 11 years now and it's taken me this long to get those prices. When I first started 6 pound whole chickens were $8.00 / bird. Which is what about $1.30 / pound? Back then I paid people practically to buy my chickens because I doubt I broke even. Now, it's totally different trying to make a living with chickens. Bottom line, I'm not driving a BMW and I'm not living in a $500,000 home. SO when you look at it this way, honestly the real price for a small scale producer to make it they have to charge the prices that I'm getting. Can everyone afford the boneless skinless breast, no. However a whole chicken isn't out of reach for most people. I'm pretty lucky to have the great customer support that I do have because in other parts of the country I would be extremely hard pressed to ask for premium prices. I guess when putting together your marketing plan you want to make sure that you don't live too far from a good outlet.

All the prices were pretty much copied from Joel Salatins "Polyface Yum" website. He's been in this business a long time and knows what it takes to make a living from it. I figured if he can get the prices... I can too.

I haven't put the numbers together yet, just got up about an hour or so ago... I was whooped! But I will get them up soon, I believe it was average though of about 25 lbs of breast, 6 lbs of tenders, 24 lbs of backs, 4 lbs of necks, not sure on the livers or hearts, 37 lbs of leg quarters, and about 9 lbs of wings. We made I believe $24.80 / chicken after averaging a few birds.

Here are some pics:








Here is Liz... Mel (gf) is taking the pic. These two girls ran the show as I thought I was going to puke... I was so nervous that this wasn't going to work I had to just walk away... I came back in about an hour and watched Mel and Liz just work like machines as we had a line for about 2 hours with at least 10 people in line. Really a successful day when I came back and Mel had a big smile on her face. She said "we did it" I tried to help but I felt like I just got in the way of the two so I talked to customers and kinda just sat back and watched.

Part of my goal is making things affordable for people so one way we have done this is give people huge discounts if they come to the farm. Eggs are a $1.00 / dozen cheaper and chickens are $2.00 / bird cheaper. We offer a CSA package where they get a chicken a week and a dozen eggs a week for 22 weeks for $350.00... which it includes a 16 lb turkey too. I even give chicken and eggs for people if they want to work... work for food. You will never go hungry here!
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