Chicken roost choice and temperature


Sep 11, 2015
Our bantam chickens sleep squished up in the eaves of their pen and have done so since we evicted them from the brooder. Those two are the only chickens in the coop, and I'm worried about the dropping temps (dips below 40F at night, will be in low 30s later). If they would actually go in their coop proper that has a nice box with fluffy shavings and a big roost and protection against the wind, I'd be much happier. Should I trust them to know when it's too cold? Or put mesh over the eaves so they can't get up there? The whole area is encased in hardware cloth and covered, so I'm not (too) worried about predators or rain.
You could try putting them on the roost at night a few times, might help. On the other hand, that's really not so very cold. Is your coop light and airy, or cave- like? Many I see here don't have enough natural light to be inviting for the birds. Your chicks don't have any adults to show them were to roost, so you have to show them the way. Pictures would help here too. Mary
They're probably in "shock" being evicted from the brooder. Give them a couple of days to adjust....I was given 5 Wynadottes that wouldn't roost, just huddle in a corner at night. Not concerned about predators just 'they suppose to roost'. After about a week I was told to put them on the roost at dusk. Ha I freaked them out more. So then left them alone, they did finally go up to their roost at night.

You could 'lock them up' in the coop at night & open up the doors/let them out during the day. They're just scared and unfamiliar with the new surroundings. I understand and feel your concern...

Folly's place request for a pic would help. Below is my set up & it RAINS alot here, in fact it's been raining for over a week! We're in a fenced yard with no predator threat like you all have, it does get warm during the Summer months so went "open air". Got it wrapped with shower curtains on EMT rods that I tie back when it doesn't rain. The "dog house" is the nest box, they roost (poop board, easy cleaning) over the nest box. DH recently added another roost on the front corner.

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Mine is a bit like yours, ChickenNanny! This is their pen (older picture, have added some roosts/toys in the open area). The enclosed section with the ramp leading up to it is where I would like them to be, but they sleep huddled up on the eave ledge above the main person door. How they fit, I don't know... I can't really close the coop to lock them either in as it is just three-sided.
I would put mesh, or something, to prevent them from roosting where you don't want them to roost.
I would also close in the 'coop proper' and add a door that is lockable.

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