Chicken Roosting Habit ** Updated PICS !!! ***


Ranger Rick
12 Years
Oct 27, 2007
Southwest Mississippi
Ok, after some thought, I decided this belongs in the chicken behavior section instead of the chicken coop section.

I have a chicken house attached to a 6'x12' six feet tall run with a wire top on it where my chickens live. They don't free range at all. Too dangerous. SO...

I was thinking about using some old cedar limbs (from a tree I cut down last year) and making a series of roosts inside the run to give the chickens something to do during the day besides watch the clouds go by. I'm thinking of something like the inside of a monkey cage like you have seen at the zoo. Staggering them from low to high in a series of steps that goes all the way around the run.

I put one in down low this evening as an experiment and all the chickens immediately showed interest and started playing on it... queen of the roost and what have you.

My question is, if I put the roosts in the run, outside the chicken house, will it prevent the chickens from roosting INSIDE the chicken house (where there are roosts for them also.) I really don't care if they want to sleep on the "outside" roosts, but I worry they wouldn't go inside if it got too cold for them.

Any ideas?

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It's been drying out in the sun for a year, I think it will be ok. I really don't dare let them out. Last time I did, three of them got eaten.

It's been drying out in the sun for a year, I think it will be ok. I really don't dare let them out. Last time I did, three of them got eaten.


just depends on if u know thats its safe
I don't know about the cedar safety, but as far as the monkey cage thing that sounds way cool. It would increase the amount of usable space in your run. They aren't stupid, if it's cold or raining they will go in. They might sleep outside if they like it but won't stay out freezing or anything. i have a tractor type set up and my roosts are outside with only a small area semi enclosed. They turned that into a nesting area but go in there if its cold. But we live in the desert so they can get too hot before they would get cold.You could hang toys around too. When your done show us your set up.
I have had cedar branches in my run for years... no harm to the birds. They do use them and seem to enjoy them but they still go inside at night and in bad weather.
No advice, just what has been my experience.

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