Chicken Run floor - need help!

Ramblin Rooster

7 Years
Apr 14, 2012
Fairfield, Connecticut
Hello Folks!

We have a 25 x 25' chicken run that is on a slant and causes all beddings we use to wash downhill (against the barn) and therefore there is always a very rocky surface left over. The dirt is very packed down (like trying to shovel wood, seriously
) and our chickens' feet are starting to get sores, so I want to find a solution before they get bumblefoot. I was going to try doing terraces to keep the washing downhill from happening, but not sure what bedding we are going to use outside. Was going to use sand, but have found some good information that says not to use sand, for health reasons.

Any help would be VERY appreciated!!
It sounds like any thing you put down will probably wash downhill so you're probably going to need those terraces anyway. Either that or dig out the rocks.

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