chicken selling the meat.


9 Years
Jun 17, 2010
Lonedell, Missouri
Im trying to figure out what the going rate would be for chickens and turkeys to sell for meat all ready processed into whole birds. I have some one wanting me to do it for them, They actually all ready buy my eggs from me. I think 10 for the bird it self atleast becuase I know what they eat and it is allot. My husband thinks we should charge $20 per chicken. I think $15 would be the highest we could get but I understand butcher takes time too. If anyone does this please let me know what you think. The birds free range and get feed non medicated food. Off course a turkey would be higher because they eat way more and it takes longer for them to get up to weight before butchering. No clue how to price them easier to processes though.
It depends on your feed costs of course and what the market in your area will bear, but we sell our whole birds for $4.25/lb.

ETA: That is our price for chicken. We won't know what we are going to sell turkeys for until we get closer to processing time on them as this is our first year raising turkey.
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thanks I have been searching and I think for what they are my husband is more on the mark then I was with price. I also found out we can sell no more then 1000 poultry a year to be legal doing it. I hope I dont get close to that lol.
I hope that you will be raising a true specialized meat bird instead of the barnyard variety. $$$ for chicks + $$$ for feed + $$$ for your labor + $$$ for overhead + TIME = ???

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