Chicken separating itself from rest of flock.


Feb 18, 2020
I have a 4 year old Rhode Islad Red hen who started separating herself from the rest of the flock about a week ago.

I examined her but the only thing I noticed was her abdomen seemed distended, but not unlike how it feels before they lay their egg for the day. I checked her in the morning before any eggs had been laid so I decided to keep an eye on her, add some vitamins and electrolytes to the water, and made sure she was pooping, which she was.

A couple days later I noticed she had pasty butt. It wasn't blocking her vent, but her bum was dirty and she's never dirty back there. It was all white feces. I tried to figure out what might be going on via the poultrydvm symptom checker, but it came up with too many possibilities.

Yesterday I noticed her poop seemed smaller in size than normal and was mostly milky white with a small string of normal green. And there is no change in her behavior. I decided to bring her inside, re-examine her and give her an Epsom salt bath in case she's egg bound. I have several brown egg layers but hers typically have a pinkish bloom so I was pretty sure she was laying eggs, but now that she's inside I'll be able to tell for sure. I also cleaned her up, gave her a scrambled egg to eat and some tums in water for extra calcium in case she is egg bound.

Her comb seems flopped over and and comb and wattles seem a darker shade of red than normal.

She ate the egg with gusto, she's drinking the water, she is still pooping, but it's still mostly white with a little green. She's still lethargic. Her abdomen still feels full. I haven't seen her try to lay an egg yet, but it's early in the morning and brought her in last night. Putting all these symptoms into the symptom tracker gave me three options: egg binding, pullorm, or Amyloidosis

Right now I'm really hoping for egg binding, but thought I'd come on here and see if anyone had any experience with the other two and if this sounds like either of them or something else entirely and what to do. I prefer holistic methods first, but will use chemical if needed.
It sounds very much like she has a reproductive disorder such as salpingitis or egg yolk peritonitis. Antibiotics such as Aqua Mox or enrofloxacin are typically used to treat, but it may not cure her. Do check for a stuck egg by inserting a clean finger into her vent 1-2 inches. A human calcium tablet with vitamin d 600 mg may help pass an egg if she is egg bound.
It sounds very much like she has a reproductive disorder such as salpingitis or egg yolk peritonitis. Antibiotics such as Aqua Mox or enrofloxacin are typically used to treat, but it may not cure her. Do check for a stuck egg by inserting a clean finger into her vent 1-2 inches. A human calcium tablet with vitamin d 600 mg may help pass an egg if she is egg bound.
Thank you, I have enrofloxacin on hand so I can try that. I stuck my finger in her vent but didn't feel an egg.
I went to check on her before bed and found this. Don't know if she popped it out or threw it up. It's rubbery in texture and has a spot of blood. Any ideas?
@Wyorp Rock
Does this look like a lash egg?

@aepowell - does she seem to feel better since she passed this? Is she still passing the white/green urates?

I'm no expert about anything, just a curious learner. Hope she gets to feeling better soon.
She has a little more fight in her, she didn't want me to hold her to examine her after I saw this. But she still has all the same symptoms. Maybe in the morning there will be some change.
Well, I tagged some folks much more knowledgeable than myself. I suspect your artifact is a lash egg, but don't really know much about them. I'm sure you'll research it and find out. I would but my eyeballs are going on strike and saying it's bedtime. I'll check back tomorrow to see if anyone had any ideas.
Update: this morning she does appear to have more energy not 100% back to normal, but her comb and wattles are less scarlet and more normal colored, and her abdomen is less distended, although still a little distention. She's eating and drinking, although she never stopped either. I got her on enrofloxacin yesterday morning, I also have probiotic, vitamins, and electrolytes in her water. And I'm giving her extra calcium.

Everything I've read seems to indicate poor prognosis, but I can't quite grasp why. If she passes the lash egg, and the antibiotics are able to clear up the infection, what are the after effects? I gather it has to do with her oviduct. Has it been damaged? Why are hormones suggested to stop her from laying eggs? Or is just that once symptoms are noticeable, the infection is so widespread that it's hard to kill off entirely?

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