Chicken sexing:

Picasso has really large comb and wattles for 3 months... Why are you thinking it is a girl? Just because it is a sex-link? Those feed stores make a lot of mistakes, some on purpose. I remember when I was taking high school biology we experimented with testosterone and put the oil on the combs of female chickens and they reddened and grew... Perhaps Picasso is a hermaphrodite with characteristics of both sexes? Where did you find that one, anyway?
That’s interesting! I got him at tractor supply.
Picasso looks like a cockerel and not sure where you got him, but breeders do make mistakes and so don't hatcheries or feed stores. I'm just saying from my experience and that's with sex link chickens includes. I believe ugh several pullet sex links and somehow 2 were roosters even though they were identical to the pullet colors (I believe they were either in the wrong bin or just some random thing that would happen to an unlicky person like me)... I've been told several of mine were pullets, but they grew up looking like Picasso and started crowing between 12-14 weeks.

(S)he has a rooster tail feathers, comb/waddles, and thick rooster legs... I'm not sure about silkies, but the others look like pullets to me besides Juno.
That’s interesting! I got him at tractor supply.
TSC is a place that I will no longer buy chickens from... They are great until they get their bins mixed up and accidently put the wrong breeds together! I've read so many stories about people who have bought from them and thought they were getting one thing but end up with something completely different. It's not all TSC fault either... The hatchery they use can be blamed for some of the mistakes that are made.
What if it’s a girl that gets spurs and crows, but lays eggs. Another thing, it has a hens tail.
I think you should breed your Silkie to Juno... Then post pics of the offspring! Is Juno an Ayam Cemani or a Svart Hona (the Swedish black chicken). As to Picasso, there have been instances, which you can put in a search and find threads here about, where a chicken was capable of laying eggs and crowing. I had a Sultan once that would crow if in with a hen and lay eggs if put in with a rooster. I never tried to hatch the eggs so I never knew what that bird was really supposed to be... But if Picasso is a hen, there is something genetic or hormonal wrong going on (or he came from some biology class somewhere). As to TSC, never trust the labels on those bins, especially if it says "pullets". Those bins are like the proverbial "box of chocolates" you NEVER know what you are going to get.
I think you should breed your Silkie to Juno... Then post pics of the offspring! Is Juno an Ayam Cemani or a Svart Hona (the Swedish black chicken). As to Picasso, there have been instances, which you can put in a search and find threads here about, where a chicken was capable of laying eggs and crowing. I had a Sultan once that would crow if in with a hen and lay eggs if put in with a rooster. I never tried to hatch the eggs so I never knew what that bird was really supposed to be... But if Picasso is a hen, there is something genetic or hormonal wrong going on (or he came from some biology class somewhere). As to TSC, never trust the labels on those bins, especially if it says "pullets". Those bins are like the proverbial "box of chocolates" you NEVER know what you are going to get.
I actually got a different breed, yes I have gotten them from here before and have gotten boys! (Boys chickens are the best). I have two Roos. I have one fully mature hen too.
My ts boy, Stubby. Now almost 2 years old.
My favorite baby (not really a baby, not sure how old, more than three I believe). I caught him from the neighbors house. I never knew they were so neglected and unhappy. He had scaly mites and many scratches. I put petroleum jelly on it, and gave him medicine. He got one cup of food a day that he had to share with seventeen other chickens. There were three hens, the rest boys. They would come in groups at a time all fighting over the three girls. Now that I have him he doesn’t wanna go back. Even when I did let him out, he walked back into the cage. The owner doesn’t even notice he’s gone. He is now super happy and the tamest of them all!

The same age as Stubby is my Cornish cross Pancake:
Pancake is a hen with a big crown too. That’s my reasoning. I know she’s a girl, have even watched her make a nest and lay eggs.
Pancake is a hen with a big crown too. That’s my reasoning. I know she’s a girl, have even watched her make a nest and lay eggs.
Have you hatched any of the eggs? Have to ask... Do a search for this thread here "Is my hermaphrodite chicken causing flock discord?" To see a pic of what Picasso may be looking like soon... (If you have 2 like that, maybe you should have your well water tested or something)... Or maybe there is something they are eating? I would like to see a Silkie/Ayam Cemani cross...

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