Chicken squating when i stand over it

I love when my hens do that - makes it lots easier to pat them or pick them up.
yeah my golden comets do that all the time to. We always called it shouldering (because it looks like they are putting up their shoulders.) I either just pet them or pick them up depending on if it's time to put them away. It does make them 1000 times easier to catch then when they are in their flighty mood and we do the chicken chase.
Oh man! I hate the chicken chase! I had 4 young roos sneak into the hen pasture yesterday. I haven't had that much excersize in months!!!
All my laying chickens do that Lily my Black Astro does the squat tap tap with the feet so funny and Annie by EE does they squat spin. Gotta love them
Hens and pullets do that. They start before they start laying eggs normally, and it's a way of saying, "you're dominant, I'll squat for you." Roosters stand on their shoulders for mating, but it's also a good way to pet your hens since their shoulders are spread apart.
I give them a shoulder massage, then grab their tail feathers & give them a good wagging. They won't leave me alone till I do. My partner calls me "Rooster Mama".
Oh, well, been called worse!

Yep, eggs are just around the corner. Happy day!
Can't wait to tell hubby that the girls think he's "da man"! Too funny! I have two one year old girls that do this often. Although, they have been laying well for more than six months:lol:

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