Chicken still limping


In the Brooder
Jul 6, 2022
My 14 month old chicken has been limping for over 3 weeks, It's not bumble foot I have soaked for 1-1/2 weeks in epsom salt, given her 1/2 baby aspirin keeping her in dog cage at night have a small pen on grass during the day near the other chickens, can't let her with flock they attack her. She is eating, drinking and laying a egg everyday. When it 1st started she would keep flexing toes on that foot, she now can put some pressure on the foot but still a bad limp any idea what it could be? Thanks
She could have sprained her hip, leg, or foot. Usually there would be swelling or possibly green bruising from and injury early on. Have you seen anything like that? Did she ever hold the leg up when she limped? Since she has been out of the flock for so long, it would be nice to place her dog crate inside or near the coop where the others can see her. It may take some time to get her back into her flock. They can be quite mean to an injured chicken or one who has been gone from the flock. I had to place a hen on the other side of the poultry netting from her flock for several months after aa illness which made her lame and separated.
Hi, she is still limping I think she dislocated something or bad sprain it has been 4 weeks but she is back with the flock (kind of) she stays with the flock until bedtime then she flies over the fence we have around the patio and comes to the door for me to take her to her cage in the garage, (she doesn't want anything to do with the coop) same when she has to lay an egg she comes to the door. She seems okay she eats and free ranges with the rest of the flock and they are not attacking her now
The roost was pretty high in the coop I think she hurt herself getting up on the roost we have since lowered the roost. I also thought she had bumble foot but she didn't, I hope your hen does well!
Intergrating her back into the flock will take some time ... Once a chicken is removed from the flock for some time, it returns as an intruder/outsider. You can put her in a wire dog crate w/food & water, put it in the coop with the rest .... See but no touch. Do this for few days and try adding her back, keeping a close eye. There will be pecking order issues at any rate.
Hi, how is your chicken doing? is she still limping? Mine is still limping but not as bad. I have 7 new chicks (10 weeks old) now one of them is limping! I am wondering if I have a bully that is hurting them I haven't seen any attacks just the occasional peck so I am not sure. The original limpy has been with the flock except when she lays her egg she won't go in the coop, I put her in and she runs back out so she comes to the door to be put in her cage to lay.
Hi, she is all better must have just been a slight
Injury . Caged her for a few nights just to keep her off the roost at night but she’ s back to her
old self. Thank goodness!
She could have sprained her hip, leg, or foot. Usually there would be swelling or possibly green bruising from and injury early on. Have you seen anything like that? Did she ever hold the leg up when she limped? Since she has been out of the flock for so long, it would be nice to place her dog crate inside or near the coop where the others can see her. It may take some time to get her back into her flock. They can be quite mean to an injured chicken or one who has been gone from the flock. I had to place a hen on the other side of the poultry netting from her flock for several months after aa illness which made her lame and separated.
She would not put weight on it she would keep touching the ground and flexing her toes, she is walking on it now but limping.

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