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For the Chichester swap we will have:
Tetra Tint PULLETS
STRAIGHT RUN Lavender Ameraucana x cochin mixes. (For those who don't know it means they could be boys or girls.)
If anyone buys any of my birds and has a problem with them please pm or email me first before trying to ruin my reputation as a fair and honest vender on this forum. I have never tried to pass off roosters as pullets. I go as far as telling people that they are better trying to pick out the females that I would probably pick all roos. The first couple of swaps we didn't even have any pullets. We only sold STRAIGHT RUN birds from eggs that we hatched from our coups so either this person has me mixed up with someone else or wasn't paying attention when we said they were STRAIGHT RUN.
I am really very upset over this and hope it never happens again. I try to be very honest about whether I think they are girls or boys.
Sorry you had some difficulties, Nhnanna :(

Hi everyone, for the MILFORD TSC swap on the 12th I have a few bantam cochins. Technically they're St.Run but It looks like I have a blue cockerel, a white cockerel and white, black and mottled pullets. A few of these may be SQ. Here are the photos from the breeder.

Just wanted to let everyone know that vendor known here as NHNANNA is selling straight-run birds as pullets.  I bought twelve at the beginning of swap season and seven of them have just started crowing.  I would say that this is bad business and gives the swaps a bad name.  Whoever is in charge of the swaps should either prevent them from selling at all or make sure that they are telling people that these birds may be of either sex unless they can show documented proof that the birds that they are selling as pullets are, in fact, pullets.  This would make more people more apt to take part in these swaps and be confident that they are getting what they pay for.  Thank you! 

Their must have been some kind of misunderstanding, because you just trashed a very honest loving person :( I have been buying birds from her for years.
Did you actually go to NHNANNA and talk to her about this? Instead of taking it to a public forum? I have bought chicks from her in the past, and have never known her to be anything but reputable. If this did happen to you, then obviously it was a mistake.
Did you actually go to NHNANNA and talk to her about this? Instead of taking it to a public forum? I have bought chicks from her in the past, and have never known her to be anything but reputable. If this did happen to you, then obviously it was a mistake. 

I ABSOLUTELY AGREE! NHNANNA has always been very fair and honest-- I look for her especially at swaps!
For the Chichester swap we will have:
Tetra Tint PULLETS
STRAIGHT RUN Lavender Ameraucana x cochin mixes. (For those who don't know it means they could be boys or girls.)
If anyone buys any of my birds and has a problem with them please pm or email me first before trying to ruin my reputation as a fair and honest vender on this forum. I have never tried to pass off roosters as pullets. I go as far as telling people that they are better trying to pick out the females that I would probably pick all roos. The first couple of swaps we didn't even have any pullets. We only sold STRAIGHT RUN birds from eggs that we hatched from our coups so either this person has me mixed up with someone else or wasn't paying attention when we said they were STRAIGHT RUN.
I am really very upset over this and hope it never happens again. I try to be very honest about whether I think they are girls or boys.
Hi NH Nanna ,

How old are the Buffs ? The two crosses I got from you at the Hookset swap earlier this spring are doing well ( so sweet too ) And as far as I can tell are still hens
Even if I do end up with a Roo...there's always the "roundup"
Hope to see you tomorrow for a couple Buffs !

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