Chicken swollen between legs and under vent....

Most of us here on BYC are not vets. Removing fluid is only a temporary fix to help reduce pressure, helping them to breath, and perhaps ease digestion. If you do remove a lot of fluid, she needs to have water with electrolytes to drink and replace fluids. I think @casportpony has removed a lot of fluid. Since the ascites fluid can contain protein and electrolytes, removing small amounts every couple of days might be safer, giving the body time to recuperate and replace those fluids and electolytes in the blood. But repeated draining is invasive, stressful, and not without risk.

I have not drained any of the ones I have had with this, choosing to put them down when they seem to be failing or suffering. Draining them is just a temporary bandaid, and it doesn’t stop the progression of the illness causing ascites. It is common with egg yolk peritonitis, oviduct cancer, and fatty liver disease.
Thank you I drained @80-100ml off her she definitely felt better. She has fresh water with vitamins and feed and she’s in a rabbit hutch by herself we will just keep her comfortable we just put one down beginning of summer for this same reason but I didn’t open her up I’m not so sure I can I did he needle but I just set it on her and looked away. One day I’ll be brave enough to try a necropsy I never thought I’d ever give shots to my animals and I have done soo many now let alone stick one in her belly and drain fluid.
Glad that you were able to drain her and that she feels better afterward. Was the fluid clear and yellow or amber colored? Hopefully she will have more time with you.

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