Chicken taking to long to lay an egg?


8 Years
Jun 12, 2015
These two days my chicken goes to the same spot she lays her eggs and stays there for almost two hours. I noticed that At times when I get close to her she fluffs up her feathers and raises her tale/the back part. I’m not sure if she laid an egg yesterday since there was 2 from the days before. Right now she’s still sitting. What could be the causes? She’s one year old.
I’m not sure if she laid an egg yesterday since there was 2 from the days before.
Best to gather all eggs daily.

Is she acting 'normal' the times when she is not sitting on the nest,
eating/drinking/pooping/moving around OK?

Here are my go-to signs of a broody:
Is she on nest most the day and all night?
When you pull her out of nest and put her on the ground, does she flatten right back out into a fluffy screeching pancake?
Does she walk around making a low cluckcluckcluckcluckcluck(ticking bomb) sound on her way back to the nest?

If so, then she is probably broody and you'll have to decide how to manage it.

Best to gather all eggs daily.

Is she acting 'normal' the times when she is not sitting on the nest,
eating/drinking/pooping/moving around OK?

Here are my go-to signs of a broody:
Is she on nest most the day and all night?
When you pull her out of nest and put her on the ground, does she flatten right back out into a fluffy screeching pancake?
Does she walk around making a low cluckcluckcluckcluckcluck(ticking bomb) sound on her way back to the nest?

If so, then she is probably broody and you'll have to decide how to manage it.

Yesterday she seemed normal but noticed that at around 5 or 6 she started making that sound you said but she wasn’t near her nest. Right now I saw her leave her nest but stay close to it and make that sound she also had her feathers fluffed up and she didn’t lay an egg, she went and sat on her nest again.

I think it might be broody then. What should I do? Is it deadly?
Yesterday she seemed normal but noticed that at around 5 or 6 she started making that sound you said but she wasn’t near her nest. Right now I saw her leave her nest but stay close to it and make that sound she also had her feathers fluffed up and she didn’t lay an egg, she went and sat on her nest again.

I think it might be broody then. What should I do? Is it deadly?
It does sound like she going broody.
You can either get her some fertile eggs, and let her hatch them, or break her of it.
If you want to break her, just taking her off the nest regularly might do it, or you can set her up in a dog crate or similar.
The idea being to have air movement all around her.
Whatever you do, make sure that she can get to food and water.
So how long should she cop a squat? Or sit on the nest? I've never timed them. Though, when I was trying to take one to work, it was almost an hour of her sitting before she got up. I only knew she was up because I heard her sing as I was getting in the truck. Sans chicken.

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