Chicken testicles-Warning. Pictures of raw meat.

OMG I had no idea that those thing I have been finding in the grocery store birds were testicles! Okay now I am grossed out.
Thank goodness I always scrape the inside and rinse them really good before i cook them. It just would not be a good thing for me to be eating a big bowl of chicken and dumplings and find out that was NOT just another piece of meat. Trust me I would not make a good fear factor contestant!
In a nearby town there's a turkey testicle festival but I've never attended.

I never thought they'd be that size for a chicken. That's impressive.

...and ha ha Wynette! I wasn't expecting the pics but the curiosity in me had to look.

Wonder if I'll ever have the "guts" to process my own bird some day?
I recently processed three cockerels, two of whom were half-brothers but one was about 15 wks and the other was about 18 wks. I was amazed by the difference in testicle size between them. Talk about your instant puberty! No wonder cockerels are such sex maniacs at that age

Yeah, when I saw how big they were in the cockerels I butchered, I knew why they'd become such a PITA, and were harassing the hens to death.

The hens did not miss them. Neither did I, and they were tasty!

I don't feed the testes to my pets, because I don't know if the testosterone would make get them all revved up and aggressive. I don't need instant dog and cat fights all over. They have plenty of other innards to eat, anyway. My DH likes the hearts and gizzards, but only from younger birds. Too tough, in the older ones, because he only like hearts and gizzards fried. So with the post-pubescent birds, the dogs and cats get hearts, livers, gizzards, spleen, lungs, and some of the fat. Throw away or compost the guts, heads, and feathers. Then the rest is for us.
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The compact, white, rounded lumps are testicles.

The mushy, liver-like red stuff is, I believe, kidneys.

Its all meat of one kind or another and its all good in the stock pot.

You simmer it up together, drain the stock through a colander (with or without cheesecloth), then sort it out and put only the parts you want to eat back into the stock.

I only eat the muscle meat. But it all adds flavor to the stock when simmered.
The compact, white, rounded lumps are testicles.

The mushy, liver-like red stuff is, I believe, kidneys.

Its all meat of one kind or another and its all good in the stock pot.

You simmer it up together, drain the stock through a colander (with or without cheesecloth), then sort it out and put only the parts you want to eat back into the stock.

I only eat the muscle meat. But it all adds flavor to the stock when simmered.

I guess for me it is just a mental thing. I have eaten hearts, livers, and gizzards and that is fine but some things I just can't get past the thought of it for some reason. I guess it does not help that I am not really an organ meat eater though. I saw on tv where they made a beautiful chicken dish with all the above mentioned things including the lungs, intestines, and testicles. I don't think I will ever be able to do that though.
What's new this fall?

Chicken balls!

... sorry, couldn't resist.

But do you all eat the growing eggs in the hens you process?

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