Chicken that had sour crop not eating


Feb 9, 2021
I have a chicken that had too much scratch and got impacted crop. I got that massage and broken down but then she developed sour crop. I have been giving her monistat for 3 days And the crop has gone down quite a bit And she doesn't have Near the smell coming from her anymore. But I cannot get her to eat for anything and she has not had any food for about 5 days. She had been drinking but I have not seen her drink much the last day. I am giving her water with a dropper and tried to give her various foods. Pumpkin puree, boild egg yoke, wet pellets. She looks at it like she might want it then won't eat. She has only had a couple very wet dark droppings but very small. Any help would be great. She's lost so much weight I am afraid I may lose her. She layed a soft egg about 3 days ago.
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If she's not pooping much, then she likely has a blockage - could be in the gizzard or intestines.
@azygous may want to offer some suggestions on this. She may benefit from stool softener, but if she's not eaten in 5 days it may be time to see is a Molasses flush would be in order.
How do I do a Molasses flush? She has lost so much weight. I am not sure she is going to make it.
How do I do a Molasses flush? She has lost so much weight. I am not sure she is going to make it. I am sure it was impacted crop that turned into sour crop because I could smell the sour smell. The smell has mostly gone away. I was massaging her belly to see if I could get stuff moving and just about 5 drops of liquid came out of her vent. She is about 10 months old. She did lay an egg about 3 days ago. It was soft.
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She may have more than a crop issue. It's been my experience that when you see a shell-less egg, there is often another egg involved right behind. Was the egg three days ago thin-shell or shell-less? Was it intact when she laid it or was it collapsed? What do her droppings look like? Little wet blobs? Is there a wet and white discharge on her butt fluff under her vent?

If she has a food impaction, she would be very thirsty and she would crave grit. Offer her a cup of water with sugar in it and right beside it, offer her a dish of grit. See if she is interested in them.

She will need the miconzole twice a day for seven full days, so be sure you don't skimp on that or the yeast will re-colonize.
She may have more than a crop issue. It's been my experience that when you see a shell-less egg, there is often another egg involved right behind. Was the egg three days ago thin-shell or shell-less? Was it intact when she laid it or was it collapsed? What do her droppings look like? Little wet blobs? Is there a wet and white discharge on her butt fluff under her vent?

If she has a food impaction, she would be very thirsty and she would crave grit. Offer her a cup of water with sugar in it and right beside it, offer her a dish of grit. See if she is interested in them.

She will need the miconzole twice a day for seven full days, so be sure you don't skimp on that or the yeast will re-colonize.
thin shell. But a full regular egg that cracked a little when it hit the ground. She has a little diarrhea type droppings but not a lot on the ground so she really isnt pooping. Yes its more like wet black and a little white stuff on her fluff. I am still giving the miconozole twice a day. I did the cream mixed with a little water through a dropper that i put in her mouth and she swallows it. I just dont want her to suffer anymore. She is not drinking anymore that I can see but I can't be in there with her all the time. She is under a heat lamp and seems to like to lay right under it. I have been giving her some water with probiotics through a dropper also. I have water, apple sauce, grit, pumpkin puree all available for her and have tried to get her to take apple sauce by the dropper
She may be okay as far as a possible egg obstruction, but it still could be an issue. How much miconazole are you getting into her per dose? You need at least half an inch of cream to do any good. I squirt it onto my finger and then open the beak and wipe it off inside the beak. Trying to dilute any med to get it into a chicken risks them not getting a full dose.

Let's try the molasses flush. It will double as a glucose infusion and may boost her energy and appetite. Mix one teaspoon of molasses in one-fourth cup warm water. Place it with the hen and see if she will drink it on her own. Most chickens will. If not, do you have an oral syringe? An eye dropper simply will not get enough into the chicken. This is how to do it safely without risking aspiration.
Ok I will try to get it down her without diluting it. I am pretty sure I have been easily getting that much down. I only dilute it a little so I can get it up the dropper. She swallows almost all of it. The dropper is not really an eye dropper it actually came from rapid strep tests that were unused so they probably hold 1/4 cc. I can get ahold of a syringe to use for the molasses. Does she have to take the entire 1/4 cup?
Yes. All one-fourth cup. This can produce projectile diarrhea so prepare for a stinky mess. In some cases, nothing happens. Then you may need to give a stool softener and oil.
ok How long would I need to wait to see if anything happens. I am worried about her aspirating but I have to do something. I did give her some stool softener when she was first impacted to help break everything down but that was like 4 days ago.

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