Chicken Therapy

Chicken therapy is the best! I wander thru the barnyard as often as I can, but I especially like it in the summer when I'll spend a couple of hours sitting in a folding chair with my thermos and a book watching the flock and reading.
My chooks probably cost me as much as a therapist would, but at least they "make" me breakfast.
I have actually had conversations with people at work about the newest chicken behaviors and gestures I've noticed within my flock. The only problem is that the folks I tell this to don't have chickens and don't have the faintest clue what I'm talking about. I'm sure they think it's kinda interesting, while secretly thinking that I'm losing my mind or something. OMG, my husband is right! They probably will be calling me the "crazy chicken lady" behind my back before long... if they don't already!
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