Chicken tractor for meaties

This looks great! Is it welded together? Do you have any more specific directions, by chance? Also, I wonder how heavy it is. Thanks!
Here is mine so far. I will cover 1/3 with a tarp. I've got around $20 into it and it is 8'x8'.
Looks like my tractor only mine has tin on half of it it is on its 3rd year.It is just pine untreated.I do store it in the barn for winter.

The nesting box doesn't appeal to the ducks but they have their own house now and I have two of these A frames for chickens. Seemed an efficient use of lumber and simple. The ends are 2X6 PT rounded up at the bottoms for easy dragging, though the whole thing is pretty light.

I'd like to know if this method actually saves on feed. All my birds are rather young and I don't really want to let them loose until either me or the neighbor up the road shoots the fox that's been pestering his laying hens.
This is what my meat bird tractor looks like:

Our 20 year old mini-van houses them at night and keeps them safe from the numerous predators we have here and in the morning I lift the hatch and let them out into the 6'X12' run. Every few days, before I let the chickens out in the morning, I start up the van and move it about 12 feet. This is my fourth summer using it and it continues to work well.

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