Chicken Tractor Question

Faverolle Queen

In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 6, 2009
How do you put the wheels on your chicken tractor? My son just finished building my chicken tractor last sunday and my chickens love it!!! Problem is I cannot move it!!!
So he did manage to put tires on the back end but I cannot lift the pen up to move it. I told my son I would yell at him everytime I wanted it moved.

My design is like the one Bill Drennan (I believe is how you spell it)
I would appreciate hearing how others put the wheels on their chicken tractors.
Easiest thing is to just get lawnmower wheels ($5-10 apiece at hardware store, or use some off an old retired mower) and a bolt of the appropriate diameter to serve as an axle. (I think mine took a 3/8" bolt but could be wrong). Make the bolt long enough to go thru the bottom framing of your tractor, plus the wheel, plus room for at least 3 fender washers and a wingnut. Drill a hole thru the bottom framing where you want the wheel, and mount it with a fender washer in all 3 relevant locations. Ta da

It won't make your tractor any less heavy though. If you can't move it you may have to take it apart and rebuild with more of an eye to weight -- thinner wood, thinner plywood, more strategic engineering, that sort of thing.

Good luck,

Thanks Pat
Yeah we did that. Actually we build it with the lightest stuff we could find. Used underlayment. I will get a picture of it on here soon.
I love it, so I will just yell at my son when I need it moved. LOL
Thanks again for the fast reply.

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