Chicken Tractors - floor issues


9 Years
Apr 5, 2010
We want to run our pullets out in the orchard this spring/summer but have serious predator issues (coyotes, racoons and eagles). So we're going to put them in tractors but we're not sure what to do about the floor. We want them to be able to forage and dig for bugs but we notice that with the hardware cloth on the floor of the little tractors we have now, they can't really do either. The other issue is that we'll need to be able to move them without crushing little toes. We'd love to just have them right on the grass but we're worried about the coyotes and racoons digging under. Has anyone else come up with a good solution for this problem?
How small are they? I was thinking about a chain link floor or the bottom of an old bunk bed frame.

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