Chicken Tumor or ingrown feather being expelled?


8 Years
Jun 1, 2014
One of my chickens came up to me and followed me around tonight, when I bent down to touch her she crouched down and didn't run, felt this on her left breast area. It seems like it's coming out of her and being expelled. It is not hanging very tightly to her. Any thoughts?

It looks like she has been pecked there which could have caused the feather loss and the scab. Could she have also been injured by another chicken jumping on her back or pecking her? I would separate this chicken into a wire dog crate with food and water, but keep her near the other chickens, so that she doesn’t lose her place in the pecking order. Clean the wound with something like weak betadine, Hibiclens ( Chlorhexidene) and water, or soap and water, then apply some plain Triple Antibiotic Ointment twice a day. Can you find the preen gland midline near her tail?
Does she roost in the coop at night or does she sleep on the floor of the coop? While tumors can be common in chickens, the scab could possibly be from a breast blister on the keel or breastbone from lying down a great deal of the time. These can become abscessed, and sometimes can be a sign of mycoplasma synovitis (but not always.) It also could be a tumor, especially if she roosts normally.
I will check that out tomorrow night. I think she roosts on the ledge with the other chickens. She is not heavy or underweight....
I appreciate your feedback
Hi! I see this was in 2015 however I am hoping that you found out what this was. I have a chicken with a very similar looking mass on her neck.... Please let me know if you did figure it out - would be very helpful! Thank you!
Wow! Really? Its hard to touch and looks like it isn't really a 'part' of the chicken but rather a giant lump of a hard black scab. It is big and thick.... I will try and see how far I get! Thank you - fingers crossed!
Soften it up with some olive oil or a warm wet cloth before you begin it will make the process smoother. These occur on people, dogs, chickens pretty much anything with oil glands. If you need guidance there are lots of videos on removal. Good luck.:)
Wow! Really? Its hard to touch and looks like it isn't really a 'part' of the chicken but rather a giant lump of a hard black scab. It is big and thick.... I will try and see how far I get! Thank you - fingers crossed!

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