Chicken Update

May 13, 2021
Hello hello everyone! I hope you all are having a great day. I just thought I would do a little update on my chicks. We started out with 2 Leghorns, 2 Rhode Island Reds, and 6 mystery chicks. (There was some mixed up at the feed store)

A two weeks ago, They were finally old enough to be moved into their new coop. First night went great. They loved all the space. The second night we lost three. Somehow a fox must have breached the coop and took the two reds and one of the Lh. We were devastated.. we quickly made some adjustments to fix the error.
So far, we haven’t had any other breaches.

A few days ago, I let them all into their run and checked on them before I left for work. My boy checked on them around 12 or 1. They were all fine. When I returned home from work that evening, my last LH was dead. Nothing had gotten in. She was just dead. I have no idea what happened. The other girls were fine.

I’m so devastated. I don’t know what we are doing wrong. This is our first time having chickens and we are failing.

We went ahead and ordered 4 Leghorns and 2 Golden Laced Wyandotte’s. They will be ready for pick up on the 24th of July. I’m a little sad we have to start over with Chicks but excited to add to our flock.

Any advice for introducing them to the older flock when the time comes?

or just any advice at all?
hmmm, check their vents and clean them if they a all gross and coverd in poo, check breathing if their weesing or choughing then maybe check their throat, and are you sure nothing got in? do you have mice, rats, or weasls?

I didn’t think to check the vents. They’re about 6-7 weeks old. I’m almost positive nothing got in. I searched all around and there wasn’t any signs that she had struggle or gotten injured. We do have mice, but I didn’t know they would be a problem. I’ve never seen a rat or weasel around here so idk if we have those.
I didn’t think to check the vents. They’re about 6-7 weeks old. I’m almost positive nothing got in. I searched all around and there wasn’t any signs that she had struggle or gotten injured. We do have mice, but I didn’t know they would be a problem. I’ve never seen a rat or weasel around here so idk if we have those.
ok, some rodents can tear a chick apart, so i would make sure there are no cracks in the coop. do you lock them up at night like in the coop?
Unfortunately something happened to the batch of chicks and they weren’t going to be available. So, we opted out of getting them and are going to focus on this flock and look into buying more in the spring. We still don’t know what happened to our last leghorn, but so far all of the other kids are growing and thriving.
Unfortunately something happened to the batch of chicks and they weren’t going to be available. So, we opted out of getting them and are going to focus on this flock and look into buying more in the spring. We still don’t know what happened to our last leghorn, but so far all of the other kids are growing and thriving.
Well good luck with it all!! 👍🏼🐓❤️

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