Chicken Vanished


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 23, 2013
Brooklyn, NY
One of my flock was plucked out of the coop or flew the coop.
I woke up and I was one less chicken. Thing is I can't find the body or any blood or traces of struggle. There were a few clumps of feathers but no blood anywhere. I went to the roof of my house to see if there was a carcass or fly swarm or any trace of my chicken. What animal could steal a chicken so cleanly? And where did it go? Would it eat every last bite?
Well I knew I had a "weak link" in my cage under the roof. I had bird netting across the ceiling. The chickens have been ok for 2 months. I have since closed this gap. The netting was torn in one of the corners at the top. So whatever got the chicken climbed up and in, then pulled the chicken out and ran far away.

Cat or Raccoon. There are many stray cats. I am leaning on the side of Raccoon. The cats have killed birds in my yard and they leave the body in my yard. I would think a raccoon took it and brought it to the family. I am perplexed by the lack of blood though and not finding any chicken parts in my yard or neighboring yards.

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