Chicken very sick! HELP!!!!


8 Years
Nov 14, 2011
North Florida
I have a silkie hen that has both eyes swollen, oozing yellowish white stuff, she is breathing out of her mouth and isnt doing good at all. I have treated her with terramycin, duromycin, tylan 50, vetrx, and i have been washing it with salt water everyday for 3 weeks (since i first noticed it) can someone plz help my baby!

PLZ HELP I DONT WANT TO LOSE HER and thanks in advance,

So sorry to read of your dilemma. We are facing our own, but a little different. Any who...try this link:
Use the info to cross- check symptoms with disease, read treatment & recovery. Seems some recoveries are lengthy :(
I've been told, for our problems, to be patient with the antibiotic...stick to the best one recommended for your chicken's disease, don't change but give time to work. If you are dealing with something other than bacterial (viral instead) the antibiotics may not have much of an impact.
Good luck; we'll be thinking of u.
I have a silkie hen that has both eyes swollen, oozing yellowish white stuff, she is breathing out of her mouth and isnt doing good at all. I have treated her with terramycin, duromycin, tylan 50, vetrx, and i have been washing it with salt water everyday for 3 weeks (since i first noticed it) can someone plz help my baby!

PLZ HELP I DONT WANT TO LOSE HER and thanks in advance,

If you smell a foul odor, it's coryza. No foul odor, possibly mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG.)
Since you've given her just about every medication there is to treat either disease and they arnt working, it becomes a quality of life issue. It would be best to cull.
Thanks everyone! I ask everyone to pray for me and my chicken because i dont think she is doing good the only thing the meds have done is keep her stable. I am thinking about taking her off the meds and see how she does by herself and if she doesnt die i will restart treatments. Thanks again it means a lot to me to have BYC friends who actually care.
I hope that you have her isolated from the others. With chickens you have to treat themaggressively from the very beginning of symptoms because by the time they start showing symptoms they are very sick. If she dies (and I hope she doesnt) you should definitely get a necropsy done on her within 24 hours of death, if you have other chickens, because it could be ILT. Could be Coryza too. If you love the hen, and it sounds like you do, invest a small amount of money to consult with Peter Brown at If I were you I would try to email him tonight and then call him first thing in the morning. He's not usually available much on weekends but if you flag
your email as urgent he might respond if he's around this weekend. He is much cheaper than a vet. At this point though self doctoring
by you is probably not going to do much unless you can get something like injectable Tylan. It is probably not ILT if she has lasted this
long. There are some avian vets who will treat chickens and I have found it worth it more than once to go to one. In the meantime, try
to keep her eating. Hopefully she still is. Give her warm oatmeal that's watered down a bit, or cottage cheese, or scrambled eggs,
mashed up fruit, anything she likes, because sick birds HAVE to eat, it's one of the most important things. If you know how to tube
feed her that is best although if they are very sick I personally think it stresses them out more to try this, but there are various opinions
about that. Disinfect anything and everything with at least bleach or preferably Oxine (you can mix it with water, I think it's 1/4 cup to a gallon). If she is still eating and drinking you might want to try some vitamins too.
By the way Duramycin is a very weak antibiotic, you have to increase the dose way more than what the directions say. How long have you had her on the Tylan? Try some Duramycin eye gel for her eyes after you wash them, you can get it at most feed mills or TSC. And treat the eyes two or three times a day, and it is good for eyes, or, you can use triple antibiotic ointment, but NOT the kind with pain killer added. (You should use 4 tsp per gallon of Duramycin or Terramycin powder in water if you are going to administer as an oral antibiotic) Tylan is way better.

Please let us know how she does, we do care. I wouldn't cull her yet, because it sounds like maybe she might just need a stronger antibiotic. Amazing things sometimes happen with chickens.

Good luck.
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Lastly, Cipro would probalby work, if you can quickly get some. We have had good luck with it, and it is easy to give in a treat, if they are eating.
Hi- Look into denaguard. Ive used it with great and quick effect. After she is better you can treat your flock in the water monthy. It has no egg withdrawal.
It works for the mycoplasmas and some other things.
If Tylan injections dont work then denaguard is probably worth trying. Also, you can try sulmet or a sulfa drug to see if that works.
It seems that the antibiotic that you are using are not getting the infection....I would also treat your whole flock or at least watch them carefully.
Its worthwhile to have this diagnosed at your local vet could lose your whole flock to something like this, so its not good to mess around.
Good luck!!
Throwing so many different types of antibiotics at a sick hen will do NO GOOD. You need to find out what is going on with her in order to treat her accordingly, people are soooo quick to tell you to try different medications not knowing what kind of a toll they will take on an already very sick hen, also what she has may be contagious and pass to your other birds. MG, CRD, Coryza people have culled their entire flock for diseases like those. If you choose to keep a carrier (if indeed it is one of the above mentioned diseases) please know that you have to practice STRICT biosecurity, IF using denegard to treat they have to be kept on it as a "maintenance" treatment once a month and can never be around other birds. When you care for her you need to wash up and change your clothes before you deal with your other birds. I agree with Dawg on this one. I would be culling for the well being of your other birds.

ETA: Denegard isn't cheap, I think it is around $50 a bottle and you can only find it one place, at least thats how it was for me. I bought a bottle to have on hand in case something like this would ever come up, I wasted $50 on it, the shelf life isn't very long. SO if you had an infected flock that needed denegard once a month to keep symptoms at bay that would get pretty expensive really quick. However it truely does work. But I believe the birds will still be carriers for life.
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Thanks Everyone :) I think she is remaining stable and still eating so i am going to give her a fighting chance and I will have to cull if she don't get better :(
Sad thing about chickens but some times it has to be done.

btw Chickenaddict i love the picture of your serama on your profile picture. I have 9 of them also.

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