Chicken very weak, Maybe crop issue?

I was told by someone else here in town to do that. I think that might get some of the stuff moved from her crop but not sure. She was acting fine when I went down to shut them up for the night. I didn't see her eat or drink this time but I did leave a light on close to the ground so that she can get under it and maybe stay warm if it is cold. She might get up on the milk crates I have down there and roost for the night. Time will tell but I can't afford to take every chicken that gets sick to the vet or buy a lot of different meds to have on hand JUST IN CASE. Don't think the did that in the olden days. Easier and cheaper to get new chicks and replace this flock if need be.
lovinchicks, I am really sorry for your loss. I have lost three others as well as some of my RIR's awhile ago and it isn't easy to sit and watch them go. Hope things get better for you. SORRY again for you loss. Deb
Thank you everyone. So PAchickenlover, you think it was sour or blocked crop. I was just at a loss and couldn't tell if it was that or something else. I figured that since she was still pooping it was not blocked, and her breath didn't stink so it shouldn't be sour? But she had this little gulf size ball in her crop area. It was weird felling though, it felt like a ballon with sand in it. Like if you would squeeze it, it would hold it's shape, and if you rubbed it and all contents would go somewhere, and eventually it would get the same way again. Except the one night where it just felt like skin. What I didn't know was if that was how they just felt normally when they were empty?? After tube feeding her you could feel the liquid down in it. If you felt it when it was filled with the liquid you could feel a few pee size hard balls in it. I discovered those today. I kept trying to read all the different things I could on the crop, but it's one thing to read, and another to have someone show you a chicken with the issue and say....Yes that is what you are looking for. you know what I mean. I was afraid to make it worse.
She was the chicken that was always followed you in the yard to see what you were up to, get the worms when you were digging. She was know to spend an hour sitting at our sliding door lookin in, as to say what are you doing in there, come on out, lol. So I'm really sad she died. I never thought I would be so sad over a chicken before I got them.
Thanks for the well wishes. I hate hearing about anyone's chickens dying. Wish we all had a magic wand and could keep them all healthy. They don't ask a whole lot from us, just food, water, & safety from predators. I do feel that mine are more than just egg producers. I have one I hatched and I call her Sister and she will come to me and let me pick her up and pet her. IF I could I would bring them all inside but my husband won't let me. Right now I don't have the time to go and spend with them like I do in the summer and that makes me sad. Can't wait for warmer weather and I can live down there with them during the day. :)
I'm so sorry about your girl. I have one very similar and as I write this have tears going down my face. It's been almost 5 days and I still can't get her better. I have literally tried EVERYTHING except surgery which I don't feel I could do. She is so thin.

There are no vets around here that would see her and I'm not sure I could afford it anyway. I'm afraid I'm going to be in your shoes very soon.

Her crop is firm this morning. Everytime I think she's getting better she gets worse and vice versa. Such a roller coaster and it's really getting hard to keep going but I'm willing if I could just find something that would help.

I also feel the same as I never realized I would be so sad. I almost wish she could just go to sleep and not wake up. I know for some on this board they can just take one out and cull it but unfortunately we're too tenderhearted for that.

Sympathy and best wishes to you.
Well, as of 9:45 this morning my chicken is still alive. Went down twice to check on the girls and she was up on the milk crate that I use for a nest box the first time and just a few minutes ago she was on the ground beside the food and it container was swaying like she had just pecked in it. I have the door to the outside open so that she can go out and get some fresh air and IF the sun shines later she could get a little sunshine. She is walking around so still not sure what is/was wrong with her.

I can NOT kill her even if I know that she was suffering. Would have my hubby do that. I can kill them if they need it done but would rather not. Feel really bad for others having to go through this and not know what is wrong or how to help them. I hate that they can't tell us what is wrong and how to cure them but then it is a fact of life that some live and some don't. That doesn't mean that we have to like it. Sure makes it tough though.

Sorry to all of you that are having problems at this time, no time is easy.

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