chicken vs chicken


In the Brooder
9 Years
Sep 16, 2010
West Palm Beach Florida
I was wondering found a banam chicken at a Sams Club, brought him home and kept him inside and was slowing trying to introduce him to my 8 hens and they seemed to be ok all together, well went to the store came home and found feathers in the yard in a pile, when I looked for him all my girls were in the chicken coop and they never go in there during the day time, I new they were bad girls, cant find the banam any where . Do chickens eat other chickens?
they will eat CHICKEN, but arent exactly predators.... they will eat chicken if you give it to them dead and cooked... mine like the juicy royal farms chicken lol.

If its the bantams feathers, he may have been lost doing his job- Protecting the girls

If hes alive though, hope you find him!!
If the the hens ate him you would find bones,feathers and various body parts scattered about. Chances are if you found all the feathers in one spot a hawk took your bantam. Sorry for your loss. Good of you to take him in though.....
thanks, I tryed still hoping he is around been looking for the little guy, no bones in the yard just feathers hoping he flew in the neighbors yard. keeping hopefull.

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