Chicken Whisperer interview with Rob


Keepin' the sunny side up
11 Years
Mar 20, 2008
Shenandoah Valley, VA
Hey Rob - I listened in on the Chicken Whisperer's radio show to your interview. I never knew the history of BYC and I found it very interesting - especially to know you took this website from 0 to over 40,000 in the span of about two years! That's awesome. And I know you will say it's the members that have done it - but NONE of it would be possible without you and your awesome moderators.

Thanks for all you do - and for providing this GREAT website and forums.

Thanks Penny!

It was fun to do the show... especially because Andy makes it pretty easy!

Yup, it is all the members and the moderators that make BYC great... I just help get the right people mixed with the right technology and the right processes and POW... magic

The show should be available for download pretty soon. Hopefully the recorded version will be available soon for anybody that missed it.
I couldn't hear it at all, dang it.

But that's my computer setup, not their fault.

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