Chicken with a sore foot :(


5 Years
Oct 12, 2014
QLD Australia
So just 2 days ago I noticed one of my hens had a sore foot limping and there are no noticeable wounds I wonder what is wrong with her and is there anything I can do to help her thanks
Since there are no wounds, maybe she just did something like turning an ankle, and would respond to a few days' rest in a quiet place. Some extra warmth might help, too. You can give aspirin from pain. This is from the sticky in Emergencies:

Dosage is approximately 25 mg per pound of chicken's body weight each day (A standard baby Aspirin is 80 mg, and a standard adult Aspirin pill is 325 mg). This information is from the Poultry Podiatry website. Warning: aspirin thins the blood and should not be used if internal bleeding is suspected or in cases where a wound will not stop bleeding.
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Possibly honey for hydration and energy out into her water. Nician added to water or over her food and oyster shells for calcium. My female duck had same issues twice. I made trips to our vet both times an avian doctor. Both times tests were run and fecal samples and both times it was simply needed extra boost in multi vitiman B , nician, and more added calcium both times. And lots of rest and warm resting in a pool or bath tub.

However is she became egg binded ( a stuck egg ) the vet told us this wojld cause off balance to walking and standing as the stuck egg applies pressure making it difficult to srand and walk.
Warm baths will relax her bottom mus les and make it easier to pass the egg along with added calcium to food.

Keep us updated please. Hope shes well soon.
ok shes not getting much better :/ we might have put her down she has been getting extra heat from her clucky sister hen and i have been checking on daily i cant managed to get her to take pain killers is there any more suggestions thanks.
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If she is having leg pain and no noticable wounds it can be many things.. a few things to try daily as my Female has been through this also..

First things first.. is your hen still eating and drinking? Having normal voids ( stools )?

Is she still laying eggs? If not when wad last egg laid?

Is she able to walk at all? Favoring a foot ( keeping off of it or keeping it lifted)?

If there are no wounds, have you tried filling fresh water bowls adding a half of a Multi B Vitiman to her water dish 2 times a day. ( for my Female we took half a vitiman added enough HOT water to a freshly cleaned dish. Enough eater to cover the vitiman, hot water will dissolve the vitiman very fast. ) then we full the rest of the water dish with cold water. She drinks it down with no problems.

My vet ( avain meaning birds/waterfowl) recommended this to us as the bird chick duck chicke exc may be low or have a vitiman deficiency.. Vitiman B's are common in birds..

Also to add honey mixed in every bowl of water, honey has sugar and sugar helps hydrate and boost energy levels..

Also the 3rd thing was to add nician to her food 2ce a day also. Walgreens and even walmart carry this is a vitiman or a capsule form..

I got capsule form as it was all Walmart had at the time I was there. We break the capsule open and sprinkle it over her food. Half a capsule each time. A bottle of capsules were around 7.00 at Walmart over the counter
. And the max multi vitiman B was around 5.00 from Walmart also. Honey depending on brand and size can range from 4 - 10 bucks..

We done this process morning and evening 2ce a day for our Female and she was well again in days..

Also were going through our Female moulting.. this has caused alot of weird behaviors in our Female.. vet recommended extra protiens during this time. As she is not laying eggs at the moment and wet or dry cat food, cooked hamburger, tuna as treats high in proteins to boost her back up..

Calcium also is a good idea to keep her eggs passing and healthy..

If you cant get your Hen to take pain meds, maybe try to hide it in her foods or if that fails try to disolve it then apply to foods..

Keep on it twice a day for a good week. Hopefully this helps..

Please keep us updated..
Gently touch the pad under her foot. Compare the bad foot with the good foot. If the bad foot feels harder or if you feel a lump, she could have bumblefoot. Bumblefoot is common and treated with antibiotics.

One of my hens had this last year. We gave her antibiotics and she was quarantined so she could rest without the other hens giving her a hard time. She slept more than usual while she was medicated as expected. After five days she was back up and running and has been fine ever since.
she at one stage was dragging her leg but she is using it again i found out she has bumble foot. is there a way she can get over it without antibiostics or is there any i can get her? also her sister hen tried to attack me when i went to pick her up is that normal? thanks guys

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