Chicken with big hole on head

You did such a wonderful job for your Hope...................She is very lucky to have you caring for her............

And thank You for the up date. It is amazing what they can heal from...
Update: Hope is doing fine and dandy now! Her (and the whole flock of my chickens) are now dealing with a blizzard-y cold winter. The worst winter in years, and it is only just about half over.
They don't seem to mind it all too much. A couple of their combs have frost bite on the tips, but nothing I don't think is too concerning, as it is -30 out there, and is to be expected. They are not lethargic. They prance around the coop when I come to feed them. If they can make it through this, they can make it through the worst our area can throw at us!
I hope this thread gives anyone with this same issue some hope in the future. Because all I did was clean out her cut with warm salt water and then put Polysporin (one that doesn't have the pain reliever in it- just the original formula) gently all over the wound about two to three times a day for a month. It was healed over by then. :) I rolled her up in a towel so I wouldn't get water all over me and her. She seemed to like the warm salt water on it. I had to keep her in my house for the month so she wan't around the other chickens and their poo. let me just say that I was glad that this did manage to happen over summer break, and not when I was at school. She could walk all around the house!

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