Chicken with bumble- should I give clavamox?


Obsessed with Animals🦆🐓🐥🐴🐱🐶
Premium Feather Member
Oct 16, 2021
I’ve dealt with bumblefoot many times before but we are back with another case. This hen had a pus pocket on the top of her foot, it squeezed out like a pimple and I cleaned and wrapped it and after a few times of that it looked pretty much good (it was flat and no longer had an infected look and closed) so I put her back in the coop without a wrap, well fast forward 2-3 weeks I realized it was back, so I grabbed her and there was no opening this time, it was sealed over with no way for infection to get out, so i sterilized a knife and gently made an X in the center of the pocket and squeeze out and pulled out as much of the gunk that I could. I soaked in chlorhexidine solution and put vetasan cream on and wrapped her foot, and repeated the process (minus the cutting it open) for two nights now, and it’s looking possibly worse? Basically the issue I’m having is that all the yellow gunk is like attached very securely in there, and it goes deeply, it’s like it’s a PART of that tough flesh of the foot now, and it’s like it needs to be cut out but it goes deep and I don’t know that I have a knife that is little enough. I put on colloidal silver and iodine as well, and am giving her a ton of vitamin C I use on all my animals. I would really like to be able to handle this at home if possible, I do have an avian vet but money is tight right now and I would like to avoid that as much as possible. I do have some left over clavamox from a hen that passed last fall, I have 8 tablets that are 125mg. Should I give her these? Should I just take her to the vet? What do y’all think?

I will be trying to post pictures but my phone is about out of storage so they may not be totally clear.
Ok so it was farther back than I thought. The first day I found the pus pocket was March 21 and I found it and started treatment again April 30- today May 3.

First three pictures are from back in March, I cleaned and wrapped for a few days and she was fine after that. Fourth and fifth picture is April 30, and the rest are May 1-3. She is separated in a crate in my garage since the run is very mucky and muddy right now. I will get updated pictures tonight


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I'm no expert but I treated a similar-looking (but actually even larger) top of the foot bumble by using PRID, doing epsom salt soaks, and keeping the foot wrapped. You can get PRID at most drug stores. It takes a little longer, maybe a couple weeks, but it's a very hands-off and non-invasive method because it draws everything out and eventually you can just pull out the plug with no resistance. I then pack the opening with neosporin and keep it wrapped until it closes up.

My guess is that you never really got all of the infection out the first couple times by just squeezing.
I'm no expert but I treated a similar-looking (but actually even larger) top of the foot bumble by using PRID, doing epsom salt soaks, and keeping the foot wrapped. You can get PRID at most drug stores. It takes a little longer, maybe a couple weeks, but it's a very hands-off and non-invasive method because it draws everything out and eventually you can just pull out the plug with no resistance. I then pack the opening with neosporin and keep it wrapped until it closes up.

My guess is that you never really got all of the infection out the first couple times by just squeezing.
Thank you for the input! Right, for sure I had tweezers and pulled out as much as possible but its wide open now and it’s like seriously securely attacked I’ve gotten ahold of the yellow stuff and it like won’t budge. I’ll for sure get some prid thanks!
Try the Prid as suggested, if that doesn't help, then you may find that using Sugardine will be effective.
@coach723 has info in this post

Are you changing the wrapping daily since the weather is wet? I'd at least soak and clean the foot daily, then re-wrap.
Yes ok great thank you! Yep I’m changing it daily as well as soaking and reapplying iodine. I have her in a dry crate in my garage since the run is so muddy 😖 I will try the sugardine thank you so much!
When you soak, and reapply the sugardine and bandage, you may need to continue to clean out pus each time, until it stops generating any. I treated a foot very similar to yours a couple of months ago. I used sugardine. It stopped generating pus in about a week, it took about 4 weeks to completely heal up. My hens foot was pretty awful, and smelled bad, so infection was bad. The sugardine was all I had to use, keep using it until I start to see obvious healing and the wound is starting to close up. Once it's really starting to heal you can reapply every other day, or even every third day, depending on how it's looking. But at the beginning, do it every day.

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