Chicken with injured leg


Apr 4, 2020
Yesterday, I found one of my hen hanging upside down with her left leg caught in a rope, I still can’t figure out how but the rope has been removed. It was in teens, we cut her down and she was in shock. We wrapped her in a blanket, she was stiff and so cold and exhausted so we brought her inside and just held her, her breathing was bad and I didn’t think she’d make, but she did! shes in a crate inside, she’s trying to stand and can but limps and just layers back down. No visible injurie and we’re just letting her rest, but is there anything else we should be doing or giving her to help the healing process?
You can give her a little water with sugar and electrolytes. If you have Poultry NutriDrench that will be good or even pedialyte. She probably is very sore and in shock. I would feed her several times a day. A chicken sling chair or nest to get her more upright may be helpful. Chickens when they get caught may fight and end up hurting themselves. One pullet we had, got her leg caught in the top of a metal waterer, and she thrashed around for a few minutes, finally just giving up and hanging there. Fortunately we saw her shortly after it happened, and she had no lasting injuries. But with your low temps and hanging there for awhile, she may have had poor circulation to her limbs. How is the color? Does she have any green bruising? You could try some warm warm Epsom salts soaks to her legs to help with soreness. Here are some examples of chicken slings, and the design is in post 11, while the nest design is on page 4:
Thank you, she’s an olive egger with dark shanks so it’s hard to to tell, but her foot is swollen. The rope was wrapped around closer to the foot/shank area. I did put electrolytes in her water, she is drinking and has a great appetite. How long should we continue with the electrolytes? Will do with epsom salt soaks!

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