Chicken with one eye closed, now very inactive, not eating or drinking very much.


Mar 7, 2022
Two days ago I went to let our chickens out to roam a bit while I cleaned up their pen. One chicken didnt come out with the others but just stood in the run doorway which caught my attention. I notices she was just standing there with one eye closed so I hustled the other chickens back into the run and took her in the house to have a look.

She is a brown Lohman chicken.
Presented with one eye closed.
Examined the eye. It seemed fine when I pulled down the lid. No visible scratched etc. Light reactive pupil. She had laid and egg that day.
(We only have two brown layers and there were two brown eggs so I know this for sure.)

I kept her in the house in a dog crate, yester she was still eating and drinking ok though she was having a hard time locating food with just her one eye. She was moving around although a little unsteady occasionally tipping forwards.

Flushed the eye with saline water and applied i drop ocuflux antibiotic eye drop.

This morning she was really not moving around much or eating or drinking as much. So we gave the poultry vet a call and she said. Given the lack out other symptoms, no wheezing, coughing discharge etc that it was likely a tramatic injury and to keep doing what we were, give drops 3/4times a day and add some vitb to water and observe over the next couple days.

That was early this morning. Throughout the day today though she seemed to get more lethargic. She did move around a bit and drink a bit but not anything substantial. She is also having more trouble balancing when walking (tipping forward). She would mostly just hunker down in one spot close her eyes and sleep. She does still open her other eye to look at us when we come over but mostly she just seems to want to sleep. She is also now having looser poops sometime a bright green. Will likely give the vet a call back in the morning as it is seeming now like more than just and eye injury but figure it couldn't hurt to see what insight you folks could give in the meantime.

Edit to add she has not laid an egg yesterday or today.

Any info would be appreciated. Thanks.

Update video from following day now exhibiting side to side head movement. Both eyes closed. Vet suspects Marek's.

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I'm sorry she's not well.

Feel her abdomen for bloat or fluid and make sure her crop is emptying.
The eye being closed, difficulty balancing, lethargy, etc. it could be disease like Marek's, but hard to know unless you lose her and have testing.
I would work on keeping her hydrated, see if she will drink from a cup held up for her, if not, ask your vet for help with crop feeding supplies. Hydration first, then food.
There's so many things that can affect hens, she may be having some reproductive difficulties. Hopefully the vet can give you more insight.
I'm sorry she's not well.

Feel her abdomen for bloat or fluid and make sure her crop is emptying.
The eye being closed, difficulty balancing, lethargy, etc. it could be disease like Marek's, but hard to know unless you lose her and have testing.
I would work on keeping her hydrated, see if she will drink from a cup held up for her, if not, ask your vet for help with crop feeding supplies. Hydration first, then food.
There's so many things that can affect hens, she may be having some reproductive difficulties. Hopefully the vet can give you more insight.
Thanks for the reply. She seems to have gotten worse overnight. This morning she was having trouble standing as she would fall forward and was moving her head side to side on repeat. Spoke to the vet again this morning and she unfortunately suspects Marek's.

I dont want to give up on her just yet though. Was able to get her to take some sips her some sugar water with vitamins by dripping it in her mouth with a small syringe and after a while she was back to standing vs. laying down but still really unstable. For now ive just left her to get her to drink some more later.

I've added a little video of the head movement. Edit I guess you cant upload video clips. Uploaded to vimeo.

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Poor thing!

I would continue to work on hydrating her.
Look in her ears for infection or mites, inside her beak for any lesions, is her crop emptying?
You can also give vitamins to see if that helps. Vitamin E (400IU) and B-Complex (1/4 tablet).
It can be so sad and frustrating trying to figure out what is happening with hens sometimes.
Do the best you can.
Getting testing through your state lab is always a good idea, if you happen to lose her.
Thanks for the reply. She seems to have gotten worse overnight. This morning she was having trouble standing as she would fall forward and was moving her head side to side on repeat. Spoke to the vet again this morning and she unfortunately suspects Marek's.

I dont want to give up on her just yet though. Was able to get her to take some sips her some sugar water with vitamins by dripping it in her mouth with a small syringe and after a while she was back to standing vs. laying down but still really unstable. For now ive just left her to get her to drink some more later.

I've added a little video of the head movement. Edit I guess you cant upload video clips. Uploaded to vimeo.

Curious what happened next! A predator attacked my chickens and one has a swollen shut eye and is also having trouble getting at her food. I took her to the vet and was told she should heal well with rest and anti-biotics.
She’s drinking liquids ok, and she shows interest in food, her aim is just off when she tries to get it herself.
Would love to know if this is likely just because one eye is stuck shut? And if so, and her eye does heal ok, about how long will that take?

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