Chicken with poop dripping from vent - please help diagnose


15 Years
May 1, 2009
Hello everyone,
One of my hens seems to be sick. She is a 14 month old golden sex link. She has poop dripping out of her vent (see image below - sorry, it's yucky). I noticed the issue yesterday when my other two other hens were picking on her yesterday, so now she has secluded herself in the henhouse. I gave her food and water, which she drank and ate. I also cleaned her vent and body. She is very subdued and let me pet her until she almost fell asleep, something she'd never let me do before during the day. I'd greatly appreciate any ideas you all might have to help me diagnose the problem.

Thank you,


P.S. You'll also notice from the picture that she doesn't have feathers around her vent and legs - my three hens pick on themselves and each other (a problem I have troubleshooted plenty, believe me). They have lots of space, do not have parasites, continue to lay eggs and I do everything I can to keep them healthy. I realize she looks awful. It makes me sad
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