Chicken with twisted neck, please help


Feb 8, 2019
I have a chicken with a twisted neck. She’s about 3.5 years old and otherwise healthy. I have another that looks identical and they were both hatched on the same day. The other one is perfectly healthy. She seems to be able to move her whole neck around, but not her head. She can’t get in and out of the coop, and she can barely drink. She walks around and sometimes falls down, other times she looks normal. She can’t bend over and instead has to crouch down to eat or drink. This has been going on now for about a week. I found her in the coop one night with her neck twisted and I thought she was dead until she moved. She was normal before that and has acted normal since, except for her neck. I’ve tried to figure out what it is, and I think it may be wry neck but it seems really severe. She’s getting bullied by the rest of the flock and I feel really bad for her. If anyone knows what this is, what could have caused it, or any cure I would be very grateful.


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Hello! This looks like wry neck, can you get a b complex at the pharmacy and give her 2 tablet a day.

Is she bullied and kept away from food? If so, you'll need to create some clutter and hidden areas so she can eat. I have a bench on its side so my youngest can eat in peace. If you can't bring her inside, can you elevate the guys and water, to make sure she's eating and drinking?

tagging some experts for additional help @Wyorp Rock @Eggcessive @azygous @aart wry neck! Help!
I would give her human vitamin E 400 IU once a day, along with 1/4 tablet daily of vitamin B complex. It may take some time to help. That can help with neurological symptoms. Wry neck can be a sign of a head injury, vitamin E or B1 deficiency, and is seen sometimes but nit always in a few diseases, such as Mareks, and some others. Make sure that she is getting enough to eat and drink. Mixing a wet mash of chicken feed, a lot of water, and a little scrambled egg, and holding a bowl for her to eat from is good. The egg gives selenium, which only a small amount is needed. Here is a video of feeding a chicken with wry neck:

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