Chicken won’t flock with anyone


Feb 1, 2023
My 2 year old bantam hen won’t flock with any chicken. She’s a lone hen who prefers me over any other chicken and will beg to come inside and never roosts with any of my other chickens at night. Whenever she’s with my first flock she gets beat up and when she’s with my second flock she beats them up! When I’m outside she only stands by me and begs me to pet her. I thought by now she’d find her way but she still chooses to be alone. Should I be worried?
Sounds like your hen is just different, and she's not alone, she's with you. If you want to change her behavior, stop giving her your attention and letting her come inside. Totally ignore her. Eventually she may become reconciled to your second flock, since she's big stuff there. But honestly, if you're her favorite "chicken", and you enjoy that, I don't see a problem. Enjoy your personal chicken! Many of us would love to have a chicken prefer our company like that!
I have one similar. She is much older than the flock and she walks off alone sometimes and is the only one that comes when I call it for food. She sometimes doesn’t follow the rooster either. She usually does but she’s more of a lone wolf.
I’ve had odd hens too. I’ve had an Easter egger and a game bantam that refused to be part of a flock- they went off on their own and the only issue I had was the fact that they free ranged and my game hen was alone when an owl decided to visit- I rehomed my EE for her safety too. But it’s not an issue other than that! I had multiple bantams and Easter eggers at that time too, they didn’t care for them

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