Chicken won’t go in hen house at night

Lock them in for a week. A light inside helps a lot.
Yes they must have some sort of light; I read they don't see at all in the dark so if they were to fall they couldn't direct themselves safely.
Other thought is could there be a rat/rats in there at night? They are really sneaky and adept at getting in and many a flock has not wanted to go in the coop because they anticipate the rats at night; even read that they sometimes nibble on the chickens feet.
Do not put food in the coop for the night as it greatly attracts the rats. If you feed them, they will come. They can get in a quarter sized hole! You must have quarter inch wire mesh to keep them out. If a dirt floor they will burrow in. Great chewers too in re: to wooden house.. Can you put a camera in the coop to see why they don't want to be in there at night?
I wouldn’t worry about it too much, especially if the weather is mild. my chickens never sleep in their coop, they go up all the way to the beams at the top of the run. my vet said they like to be as high up as possible as protection from predators. I’m even getting rid of the coop because they never use it except for laying and am just building nesting boxes inside the run. maybe try building a roost or platform about 4 ft high and then have a ladder they climb to access it (my girls fly but i know not all breeds do)
Wont they need the warmth of the coop in the winter? Will the run protect them from all predators at night? Rats can get through a quarter sized hole.
Oh, how I wish I’d spent as much time on this forum BC (before chicks) as I have AC.

In an effort to build a secure coop we didn‘t allow for enough light. Our coop is inside the barn, so while ventilation at the roof allows for plenty of air it does nothing for light. Following suggestions made here, I got a couple of small party light strings which I turn on inside the coop a while before dusk when I feed them outside in the run. (No electricity in the barn and too far to run an extension but battery powered lights have been just fine.) Some of the birds were quicker than others to catch on, but within just a few days everyone had it figured out.

As effective as this has been for now, with batteries it’s not a sustainable solution. We’ll eventually have to do something different, like cut another window, as the birds can’t see to get up on the roosts without the supplemental lighting. Based on your photos, you may have the same problem.

Good luck!
Just get the solar powered lights; You have to take them out in the sun every morning and put them back in the coop every evening. Works great for my gang!
Would like to think so the one with my roo on the chair is how it’s set up now because I removed the board on the bottom to put the door on.

I like your run & coop. They should be happy with that. Maybe it’s because they are young and they don’t know what to do yet. If the Roo gets in the coop first in the evening, they might be intimidated by him. I have 13 Free range during the day hens that all go in every night and have since we first got them as pullets. We did have 7 little white hens that we added to the flock and some fit in just fine & returned to the coop each evening but some insisted on roosting in the trees. The tree dwellers disappeared one by by, which I’m sure predators got. Good luck with your flock.
I might be able to help you.
Here is a pic of our chicken palace. lol. People think chickens like to roost all night, and put roosting rods or bars over a concrete or wood floor that is poopy and stinky. This is not healthy or comfortable for the chickens. We raised our floor as seen in the pic.used linoleum for the floor( so easy to clean) with dust free shavings).it has an electronic coop door auto open closes at dawn and dusk, or use a manual one. We use dust free White Pine Shavings for bedding, keep it very clean. we pick up poop every day. Chickens like to sleep in a clean poop free coop where they can feel like they aren't in a dark box with no airflow. Also if they are so squished in the coop. depending on how many are sleeping in yourcoop. they will get too hot and muggy and feel uncomfy and won't want to sleep in there. The coop needs to have at least two 12" x 14" (or whichever size is condusive to the size of your coop). windows that have screens to keep flies and mosquitoes out and cut and install has 1/2" chicken wire over the widow screens to keep preditors out. and to allow airflow and cool
night air to come inside. Also an
exhaust fan at the peak for circulation. Chickens like sleeping on clean shavings. They also need water and a littlefood in the coop for when the wake up in morning. Once your coop is inviting, airy. has a nesting boxes, a separate sleeping area (chickens are very picky about not wanting to be sleeping in their nesting (egg laying) boxes. The last pic is where we are currently separating two chicks from the big girls so they won't get hen peckedm0nce you make the coop an inviting , airy, comfortable, and not try to overpack it with chickens, I think you will find they will climb up the ramp and be happy campers If they have been sleeping outside , it might take a few nights of showing them where you expect them to sleep, then they will happily go in everynight. I would be glad to discuss this more with you if u want to email me at [email protected]. My husband and I know a lot about chickens, especially how to totally spoil but they are healthy happy and sleep in a coop even a person could sleep
I hope this helped.


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