

9 Years
Apr 8, 2014
Jena Louisiana,
I am not new to chickens, but just recently acquired 20 barred rock chicks, so i have been checking out chicken breeds and page's, i am from Central Louisiana, I am a production mechanic and work in the Gulf of Mexico on 14 on, 14 off schedule, been married to my best friend and wife for 36 years, have 4 children 8 grand children 2 dogs and 2 horses, i love about any kind of fishing. My parents and grandparents always had chickens for egg's and meat purpose's. I also took poultry in 4H when i was in Jr High. I like to be in the loop,whether looking for information or giving.

breeds list
19 Barred Rocks 7 weeks
15 Red Sex Links 4 weeks
5 Black Australorps 4 weeks

and more in the future, Black Sex Links and maybe some DOMs

Welcome to BYC!

Congrats on the new Barred Rock babies! I have some Barred Rocks in the brooder as well! :)

If you have any questions about anything, feel free to ask. Make yourself at home here on BYC and welcome to our flock!
Thanks for the Welcome TwoCrows, if i had the funds and the acreage i would have a thousand chickens, that is if my wife would go along with it.
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Congratulations and good luck with your new chicks, Sounds like you are going to have a nice productive flock!
Thanks Kelsie2290, i am hoping to, if all goes well, i am considering making this venture part of my retirement income supplement, something i can do from home and be my own boss, not actually retire,but not work in the public sector any more.
With a good business plan, quite a few people at least seem to break even (not counting their own eggs and enjoyment). Fresh homegrown eggs are becoming more popular that is for sure, hopefully you will be able to develop a nice market for them in your area. Chicks and fertile eggs, especially in the spring are another.
With a good business plan, quite a few people at least seem to break even (not counting their own eggs and enjoyment). Fresh homegrown eggs are becoming more popular that is for sure, hopefully you will be able to develop a nice market for them in your area. Chicks and fertile eggs, especially in the spring are another.
Patience and persistence will get me there, i just can't quit work for a few more years

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