chickens & a swimming pool?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jul 16, 2008
Just thought of this. We are raising some rir's and are thinking about free ranging.

Can they swim? Will a swimming pool be a deather trap? ( in-ground pool )

We have a pond also, but I would imagine they could just walk out.

thanks, Chas
Chickens normally don't swim, so accidently flying into the pool or pond could mean a drowning. Most chickens will have the sense not to walk into the pool, but sometimes they can be startled and chased into the water. The chances of them getting out of the water are slim.

Unless you have airhead chickens like I do they probably wont swim. I had some lightweight chickens and gave them a bath I actually let them go and they floated on the surface. RIR on the other hand are probably to heavy to float and no one wants to go diveing to get a chicken off the bottom of a pool.
Umm, I dunno, I saw a chicken belonging to LCRT wearing a polka dotted bikini last year.....
I had some lightweight chickens and gave them a bath I actually let them go and they floated on the surface.

Even a big turkey will float - for a little while. Then, the feathers get soaked and they deep six.

I'd only be worried about the random startled panic (all take off for cover and the pool is in the path of the retreat).​

But I think you might have more problems with an inground. Is there anyway you could enclose the pool? I'm thinking for safety,, not only for chickens, but other animals/small children too?
that's pretty much how I thought. All the other animals&kids swim well.

I will have to concider my options.

Thanks, Chas

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