Chickens and Ants


In the Brooder
Jun 11, 2015
I live in the city and have 9 backyard chickens. Our yard is average in size and I let them free range when I'm outside working in the vegetable garden. This year I have a bad problem with ants. I've tried cornmeal, DE and vinegar/water and nothing seems to be helping. I'm worried about what I use because of the chickens but these ants are driving me crazy and I DON'T want them in the house. What can I use to get rid of them that actually works and is safe for my hens? My husband thinks we can spray the area and as long as it's dry the chickens will be fine. I DISAGREE! lol Please help
Have you tried a bait in a different corner or the yard it may lure them away I had a guy from cook's pest control tell me that and sure enough he lured all the ants away from my house. I didn't have the same bait as him but last time i used a sugar with water and the water had a dissolved borax in it. I put few cotton balls in it and than put them all soaked in different places where my chickens can't get to. It worked
Hi @Townsend3

We used ant bait outside our chicken coop/run - traced the trail of entry and found the ant bed and placed it there - next day ... no ants.

IMO - try finding where they are coming from - use the ant bait/killer and place a metal basket, chicken wire or other barricade over the hill so you flock can't get into the ant killer and bet ya it works.
Mint keeps them away. Either dried or fresh. I would start by putting a small or large handful in their main trail. If you know where the nest is, put a big ol handful on top of it. I have had such success with using my own fresh mint, I went ahead and bought a 1 lb bag of dried (not expensive). Mice and rats hate mint too. I soak cotton balls with mint oil and tuck them into nooks and crannies under the hood of my car to keep pack rats and mice from getting under there and eating wires and hoses. It works. Try it. Ants really hate the stuff. :)

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