chickens and compost?


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 20, 2011
So i just spent 45 minutes turning my compost pile over. Its hard work and a large pile. Ofcourse only compost safe things go into it nt meats or oils or anything like that. Could my chickens help me with the turning? With all the bugs I bet they would like it but could they eat too many bugs from the pile or catch something from it ,or would it be just a fun experience for them every six months? I would not care about how much mess they made
My 2 Polish hens love our compost! In fact they have done a wonderful job "turning" it. They do make a mess but they enjoy lookin for bugs.
Mine have access to all 3 of my piles. Two of the piles are in bins and so they can't spread it all out but one is in a 3 sided bin with an open front and they turn it a lot by basically scratching it all out of the bin, and I put it back in after dampening it again (drought here). So they wont' make your compost maintenance free probably but they get the best buggies and things! That's why I left them one they could scratch all out. Same with the mulch under the apple trees. They spread, I rake back, they spread, I rake back. It's being turned and is composting wonderfully and there are no weeds or grass under there either hehe.
mine turn it and scratch through it, and spread it out. My theory is that they have eaten every weed see and bug egg in the pile. I am using what is left as mulch as we speak. mk

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