Chickens and Dogs, Why Can't We Be Friends...


5 Years
Mar 8, 2014
peace, hope and country
So does anyone have advice about introducing dogs and chickens so there will not be chicken dinner for the Dogs.
We have a run for the chicks that the Dogs cannot get into. We will be building a tractor for the chickens too. But I was wondering if there were any stories of Dogs and Chickens coexisting without being lunch and how your introduced them. We have the brooder where our dogs crate up for the night and I have been introducing them by having the dogs lay down with them. But I don't want to wait till a chicken gets loose before I see if this is helping. thank you for any suggestions!
I have two dogs. The smallest is a terrier mix and has gotten two of my chicks. Unfortunately I don't have the solution for them to coexist.
However I do know a few people who have their chickens free in the yard along with their dogs and they do just fine.
It might be the breed of dog.
I have two dogs. The smallest is a terrier mix and has gotten two of my chicks. Unfortunately I don't have the solution for them to coexist.
However I do know a few people who have their chickens free in the yard along with their dogs and they do just fine.
It might be the breed of dog.
I have two Shepherds. One Aussie and one German. They are both bread for herding so I hope they will protect the flock and not kill it. I don't trust my German because he is a pup still. 6 months, still growing and still pushing limits.
Do you know what breeds of dogs your friends have that do well with their chickens?
They are rescued dogs and are used to being around horses and other farm animals. One of my friends does have a small terrier mix she has to keep an eye on cause he will go after the chickens.

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