Chickens are baby dinosaurs

Must be a man thing. My husband can gut a deer but can't clean out the cat litter
i'm a man

i built my coop and love my chickens... fix my own brakes on my truck etc

i hate changing cat litter!!!
My friend said when he was little he got chased by a rooster and that's why he doesn't like holding my chickens. I told him they were hens but he still didn't want to hold them
Change the cat litter? Why do that when the neighbors have a sand box?
(kidding, it is a big storage lot for construction equipment.) I read in science news or some place about a scientist who activated dormant genes in a chicken and they grew tails and teeth. Good thing he didn't activate the gene that makes them grow to 40 ft long. Besides, how do you know what those chickens might be planning, with enough of them they could have his bones picked clean in a matter of a few hours. They would start with the eyes and then... well kids often read these posts so I wont get to graphic, but it could happen.
My Dad sent me an article about that! I think it said they had scales too.

My Dh is kind of freaked out by them too. Once my nasty (may he rest in peace in freezer camp) rooster chased him all the way up on our porch
I just laughed at him and asked him if he realized that the rooster only weighed 5 lbs?

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