Chickens are drinking dog pee - is this bad?

*snorting with laughter* And that's one reason I worried during the winter when I slipped in mud and fell onto my back in the run. The chickens surrounded me, one got ONTO my chest and peered into my face. My glasses were askew, so I couldn't really read her expression, but I hoped it was concern. Not culinary interest.
*snorting with laughter* And that's one reason I worried during the winter when I slipped in mud and fell onto my back in the run. The chickens surrounded me, one got ONTO my chest and peered into my face. My glasses were askew, so I couldn't really read her expression, but I hoped it was concern. Not culinary interest.

I promise you, it was the latter.
Where did you get this information?
The stuff I read on here I will buy eggs from the store before I ever buy from a BY farmer. That is if I ever get rid of mine.

I read it somewhere once upon a time, but if you google it, I am sure you will find that all animal urine is sterile, assuming no infections or drug taint.

hi all.........found this 'old' thread.......well my dog has passed up eating his own poo in preference for chicken poo
.........the sparrows disect the chicken poo and the dogs poo........the chickens rush to drink the dogs fresh pee
and eat the grass it lands on.....and they all share the dog small biscuits, greens, fruit and any other concoction
i come up with
I came on sight just now to see if it was bad that chickens are drinking dog pee. I thought my chickens were cute bonding with the dog, following her around....not. they are waiting for her to pee. they are running up to drink her pee. I noticed it the the early am. They had frozen water, but now they don't and they are still running up and drinking dog pee. I suspect mineral diffidence. Wonder if worms and bugs might take care of this. Not what I really want to see.....
Also noticed on a pigeon site that some pigeon keepers are complaining about the same thing.
Forget the dog pee, our chickens were drinking MY pee today. I was taking a leak by the coop and they all ran over, stuck their heads out of the wire, and started imbibing. I thought I had seen it all!

*snorting with laughter* And that's one reason I worried during the winter when I slipped in mud and fell onto my back in the run. The chickens surrounded me, one got ONTO my chest and peered into my face. My glasses were askew, so I couldn't really read her expression, but I hoped it was concern. Not culinary interest.
So, this is a weird one. Recently, we noticed that when our Greyhound squats to pee, our 2 chickens run/fly toward her like she is the fountain of youth. Her pee settles into the dirt, but they make sure to drink some before it does. Anyone know if this is something I should be concerned about?
I have a flock of 17 and my hens do the same. I have many breeds but it seems the sexlinks and Americana do it more than the other breeds. They will have freshly refilled waterers four in total and they will still follow the dog and wait it. They barely let it hit the ground.
I have three dogs and never really paid attention to weather it was all the dogs or just the black lab. I hear urine is sterile so I have not worried much about it but I would like know if others have noticed the same.

I'm sorry, but after all these years, I thought I had heard it all. Nope!

Your dog doesn't possibly have a health problem where she has a higher level of sugar in her urine, does she? That's the only thing I can think of, other than you just have weird chickens.
I was beginning to.think that mine were the only weird ones. Ours wait for my Dachshund to pee and go after it like it's the best thing in the world. He's not diabetic, so I don't know ow what'sup

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