Chickens are drinking dog pee - is this bad?

Ack! EWW!!! I can deal with the likes of eating frogs, mice, snakes, horse poop, etc.....but drinking dog pee really takes the cake here!
I would have to freak out about that one!
Your dog is on medication I'm guessing it passes out in the urine and THEN the chickens are drinking it! Should this be of concern re:eating the eggs.

Yes your chickens are seriously weird. But I've had my weird share of animals too. I used to brush the dog's teeth and one day noticed they were all brown and stunk. Well you guessed IT.

You know what he was eating. Otherwise he was a very sweet, wonderful dog. Too much time in the dog run I guess.Tho I did pick up as soon as I would see one. Icky.
Siler - we know the reason that the dog is prone to UTI's - she is a female greyhound (rescue), and when they are preparing them to race, they give testosterone to the females to increase the size of their muscles. This can have the negative effect on the growth of their reproductive/urinary tract parts. In short, and because I don't know a better way to say it, the medicine makes her pee-hole stay closed after she's done peeing so that bacteria cannot get in.

I called the vet to ask about the chickens drinking pee (and dog being on meds), and they said everything is fine and it is safe for them and safe for us to eat their eggs - though I do hope it stops just because it's gross!

And buglit, I will try to catch a video of this, and if I do I will certainly post a link to it here!
Where did you get this information?
The stuff I read on here I will buy eggs from the store before I ever buy from a BY farmer. That is if I ever get rid of mine.
I'm thinking, okay my chickens dig through piles of cow poo looking for the "tasty" bits. Could urine be far away?
Bacteria can enter the urethra for many reasons at any time and as urine leaves the bladder and travels down the urethra it can pick up those bacteria. Therefore makiing the urine sample non sterile upon wizzing. If a canine has chronic UTI's, the best way to medically diagnose is via Cystocentesis. (sterile needle placed directly into bladder) A "free-catch" sample of urine is never considered sterile and should never be used as a specific diagnosis, especially if your dog has chronic UTI's.
This thread adds a whole new dimension to the idea of "FREE RANGE" chickens.

However, I think I would still go for a BY egg over the store eggs produced by the steriod induced and caged chickens
My chickens drink dog pee. They fly over to it like it is champagne! Doesn't bother me any. They drink water from puddles that if we saw the bacteria/fungus/buggies in it we'd puke! They eat slugs, spiders, earth worms (full of poop!). They also eat the dogs' poop. Doesn't bother me. Definitely does not make their eggs unhealthy. That's simply not how digestion works. They also love the healthy stuff I give them like bananas, apples, parsley, spinach, cereal, yogurt. I think chickens are just major foodies! And remember, if they were ten feet tall, we'd be food!

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