Chickens are eating stucco siding on house.

My guess is because it's rotten and likely full of bugs...

Is it real stucco or compressed board fake stucco?

Pressed board fake stucco, has toxic preservatives to prevent rot/bug/mold/fungus including but not limited to formaldehyde, not a healthy diet at all...
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Well that's disconcerting. It's real stucco. It is still hard, and I haven't seen any bugs but will have to check closer. Yuck.
Little pieces seem to be breaking off... I can tell because there are grey specks in the paint that weren't there before.
They free range and have access to oyster shell. They also have their own 4x4 sandbox for dustbathing. I feed layer feed and kitchen scraps. It's been super hot lately and the stucco is in the shade so maybe they're just bored and trying to find something to do in the shade? It would be funny if I weren't worried they were getting something unsafe (and damaging my house). They keep waking me up at dawn by pecking on the stucco outside my bedroom.
Our chickens do the same thing and it is really annoying. There are no bugs but they seem to be addicted to it. It might just feel good on their beaks?

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